Warcry rules reddit. That being said they don't look terrible.

The Obstacle still neded to be higher than 1" to even count as an obstacle. A Chaos Warrior with runeshield f. More than 800 fighters are getting fully updated rules, including new profiles They'll absaloutley dominate objective play. New rules for Skittershank's Clawpack. Also, there are phrases in the rules about Fighters not being visible to themselves still makes me chuckle. However the Darkoath savagers abilities are middle of the road. This includes monster-hunting and monster abilities. Additionally, the cover of the mag says we'll be getting a "Warcry Dashboard". I read the AoS warscroll and look at the Underworlds cards for inspiration for the abilities, if the There are actually several levels of systems for campaign play in Warcry, all building on the system in the base rulebook. You're probably best off looking for some Warcry reviews on youtube or fan websites. I can't justify buying an entire book for this and don't want to wait for someone to post a pdf online. To understand it better, draw a 2" circle on a paper and a 1" circle touching it. I have been looking for both stacking and minimum stat rules. Then I chose Grashrak as my ally, and as per the rules was able to take Ushkor and Gnarl from his Despoilers Warcry rules from Bladeborn in english. fighter that made the move action. The free pdf only contains the core rules. Hello all, I'll get right to the point. If you go by the letter, this does indeed mean they can't progress in narrative play, but you don't have to abide by that rule. Even though I feel like Warcry is a very casual game, a lot of the content for the game produced by fans does have a more competitive element to it (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but from someone who was enamoured with Mordheim as a kid, I was kinda disappointed with the narrative/campaign side of the Warcry rules which I personally feel Welcome to the Eldar Subreddit, the premier place on Reddit to discuss Eldar, Dark Eldar and Harlequins for Warhammer 40,000! Feel free to share your army lists, strategies, pictures, fluff and fan-fic, or ask questions or for the assistance of your fellow Eldar! 24K subscribers in the WarCry community. Rules exist for including thralls in narrative play only. These were posted in German a few months ago but finally had the English version delivered last week. -We thought that defenders were rolling for which group started on the battlefield floor and then the other two would be on the walls round 1. There are some rules that Bladeborn seems to follow, a shield gives you an extra point of toughness, a pike / staff etc gives you range two rather than one, bow and arrows is range five, etc. For Ardboys I like the 2 handed weapon more, probably get more of [WARNING: Link above contains YouTube Short ;)] Skip the vid if a 50 second ramble isn't your bag! The latest Warhammer Community Sunday preview indicates that the Gnarlspirit Pack and Sons of Velmorn are getting rules in the next White Dwarf (482 - November 2022). They are in the "Death" document, and use the Soulblight Gravelords rules. The design reason is that Warcry is small scale fights on a unit level. So you won't be able to use the Heroes. My most recent list was 2 nephrite priestess 205 2 obelisk Bearer 220 4 desecrator with pick 400 1 Skaven in Warcry 2. Makes sense with the cross-faction Hero rules. The Warcry Rules For The Saviours of Cinderfall Are Up! A faction with no generic fighters but two different flavours of warbands is pretty funny lol. (its mostly lore and the main rules will be free online). 0 have been reprinted in the latest issue of White Dwarf on page 51, with some re-wording to make it less confusing! Very cool for those who missed out on issue 482! I'd love to see them pin down a "not bladeborn" option for them too. The file is often updated, make sure Agreed. . Also rats are tiny so easy to hid from shooting. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Thatttt would be pretty neat too. But is it already certain that they will not be playable (no fitting rules) in 3rd edition of warcry or does this only You either go full Brute (5 Brute), full ard boys (8 ard boy), or mix. 12 to 16 inch movement is crazy strong (14 to 18 with rush). For Brute dual wielding choppa is better than the polearm weapon, for the Boss (Leader) I like the club & claw better for the extra rule and more attack. A mo I expect they will come but might take a little time. Aeneades-Silenti. The only things that I'm missing from this box are The Crypt of Blood booklet with Warcry core rules, cards, dice, and the terrain, which is quite easy to substitute. Compendium book confirmed as a mandstory new edition purchase for existing warbands. g. e. So narrative campaigns in Warcry don't work like how one would expect campaigns to be. narrative play. Regardless of how many people are participating, each player's campaign is tailored to them and is mostly unaffected by the other players (aside from being denied specific criteria for quests). Release a campaigns/lore book with dedicated campaigns in the new setting for existing bands/armies. I suppose you could look through the "Order" pdf and see if you could use them for any of the "Cities of Sigmar" units. Concering the warband removal a broader discussion would be interesting, as at least i am still a little bit confused. Mar 13, 2024 · This is a review of the Warcry skirmish game made by Games Workshop. Free Rules! : r/Warhammer. In addition to that during the 'auswikungen-abfolge Desecrators with warpicks are literally the most point effective units in the game. The 3" is the minimum, rather than the actual range characteristic (7" I'm this case) that onslaught is checking. There are no strict rules to a SL1/BL4/Base Vit run other than not leveling past the lowest possible level of each respective game. I have even emailed/tweeted GW on the subject. I have a bunch of “terrain” from my kids’ toys. Lordsguard Cavalry 135-140 (or 175 close to GW math) Lordsguard w Greatsword 140. The rules for the WU warbands post-Direchasm were released in various White Dwarf magazines this year, and are current with the new Warcry rules. I don't see much reason why you shouldn't allow it. Assuming the terra wings will be either 2 or 3 resiliance. Minor differences to the print version but only to remove reference to elements not in the download (e. It's not a trick, but that's how it plays into what it'll cost you. Typos I can live with. Warcry is the perfect blend of miniature skirmish and board-gamey feel, I would highly recommend it as the first step over killteam. I have no idea if they’ll update it in there or in some book that’s already planned for later this year, though, since there’s a lot of new models coming out in general between Wanted to hear people's thoughts on this list made with the new kruleboyz cards. The hero rules are explained in the new books for each grand alliance. Fighters with the beast runemark or both the scout and fly Welcome to /r/SkyrimMods! We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. The skaventide box is expensive if you keep it all. Be warned, they like hitting stuff hard and setting things on fire I'm interested to try some of these, but I have a few reservations. Then aren’t they basically a death master with gutter runners? You can find the rules for them in the chaos alliance book. Keep the fighter cards free and in the miniature boxes. 0, no interrupts yet). Just a suggestion if anyone is having performance or size issues, the PDF file-size can be reduced by ~70% by 'printing' the PDFs back to a PDF which flattens the files Just looking to get into Warcry and porting over some Underworlds warbands (the only GW game I currently own) and I picked up the Tome of Champions 2021 for the Underworlds warband points and rules. battleplan generator) Free PDF does come with 2x matched play battleplans from a different part of the core book. Because of low durability it can be a difficult to pilot list, if your opponent can just walk into you and dictate where and when combat happens, you will get overwhelmed. You cannot add the same bladeborn fighther more than once in your warband. Or put the Grot next to the Gutlord/Gutrippaz. If you end up getting the core book, there's several pages of battleplan cards to roll on, but nothing online so far. you can pick one bladeborn fighter with the leader rune as usual as your leader. Rules for using 6 chaos warbands from Underworlds in Warcry. If one of you kind souls could pm me a pic of the Crimson Court page, that Rules exist for including monsters in open play and narrative play, with an option for including them in matched play. As for Battlescribe for Warcry, I think the repo owner is still working on updating to the new books as it still has some errors and is missing abilities, but it does have the new units, etc Smok55555. It is inspired by the excellent solo mode provided for the Skavens in Tome of Champion 2021, but fully declined to all standard Warcry war bands. Also this means that the recently revealed Oathbound will most likely get rules too. I have a hard time believing that the same design team wrote the same rule twice and did not intend it to work the same way both times. The stormcast side (this may be a bit tricky but there are people wanting it). The PDFs are high quality around 80megs each so I'm guessing that's why they broke them up so much. Better than either version of Kill Team, in my opinion. If you drop Shond and Grundann, you can fit them with a Hearteater, Beastspeaker, Prowler, and one Plains Runner. Just like Intercessors doesn't exist in Warcry. Some friends and I are interested in playing a fantasy skirmish-type wargame and our frontrunners are Warcry and Onepagerules' Age of Fantasy Skirmish. The minis are amazing the starter box is good value. Additionally many if the WU models can simply represent existing Warcry fighters. Destiny levels are now called "levels of renown". Though you got my hopes up, thinking they had Warcry profiles for the heroes to play as a unit. The only thing I want from the new Tome of Champions is the rules involving the Crimson Court. This is not one of the mechanics unique to Warcry. 5. 76 votes, 48 comments. Warcry especially is pretty easy considering how simple a unit's stat block is, as opposed to something like Kill Team where you need multiple entire pages The reaction is as follows. Your warband basically chooses a long-term quest goal for itself, and periodically will get to do special missions that move your warband towards that goal. Warcry is an actual game with functional rules. Warcry has some balance issues and some mechanics, particularly the random setup cards, seem to interact in clunky ways at times. Carrying treasure adds a -2 to move (min 3"), they can't fly, and/or take disengage actions. The partial rules are free. so their injuries and experience and The core rules weren't designed with them in mind. All melee weapons have a range of 1-3 inches, so that rule only applies to melee attacks. has the bullwark rune and therefore can use the shield ram ability of the slaves to darkness warband while a chaos warrior with 2 weapons does not have the rune and therefore can't use What you do is to put your Grot (s) into base contact with the Gutlord (s) and create a bubble around the Gutlord where the Gutlord gets a free attack no matter where your enemy moves. I've wanted to port 40k models into Warcry. Besides the giant, mounted and flying runemark they're just used to determine, which fighter can use which ability. Warcry is similar to Kill Team if you’re comparing a skirmish game from a main game (AOS). Its kinda lame that the humans and duardin seem to get all of the new interesting abilities that actually synergise well with those units, but Aelves seem to be stuck with the old generic COS abilities (ie volley of shots, shield wall) mixed in with one or two of the anvilgard abilities. If you want to have fun and not break the bank, use whatever you have on hand. A lot of the discussion I've seen online praises OPR's rules over GW's for their army-scale games, and even OPR's Firefight over killteam, but nowhere have I been able to find a solid comparison The subreddit for SL1 players to grow, get help, assist, and analyze strategies with one another. Rules Summary. The new Grand Alliance rulebooks have the rules for fielding heroes in them. I managed some fairly standard formulas to convert the models, but found there's no way to calculate points, and I just don't have the time to guess points and playtest different values. Welcome to /r/SkyrimMods! We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. move action. At least 2 obstacles per board quarter and it Is the Core Rules (such as the Expanded Rule on the Official 40K App) Enough to Play? Or Will I have to Get other Stuff like Blackstone Fortress and Other Stuff? Do I need to buy Codex for all Races? Last night I was playing a game with my fiancée (Thunderstrike Stormcast vs Sylvaneth) and we ran into a rules question about the Force of a Falling Star ability for the Thunderstrike. ButtholeRat. subaqueousReach. So a fighter with 3" movement can climb a 3" wall, but they Bladeborn fighters cannot bear artefacts of power, but a Bladeborn fighter chosen as your leader can have 1 heroic trait (which they begin with automatically). Wonder if we'll see any more "named characters + novel + Warcry rules" combos after that. From today's preorder announcement: "Of course, you’ll also be able to bring your warbands from the first edition of Warcry into the Gnarlwood. Hello, One of the thing I greatly enjoyed from the price are the warhammer AoS magazines (the one with miniatures and other stuff each week). My group still uses the rules on ToC 2021, and will continue to until they are replaced. It is fun, it is quick and it will bring you enjoyable and memorable moments with your friends. 0. As a Skaven player, I was really looking forward to the rules for Skittershank's Clawpack because I was really hoping that the model that is carrying a huge net would get the net double ability that Building a team around my Sphiranx. The Crimson Court and Warcry. Thanks for this, I've already printed off 3 copies and used them in a 4 player game at work! It's so much easier than all sharing one sheet. In narrative play you can add bladeborn fighers to your warband when they are part of the same faction as your warband. They lack speed, figure out a way to give them speed reliably, and play as many desecrators as possible. Wolf or Calden on Accursed Destrier 290 (but may be 285 it depends on how much points cost the ability of being mounted). And you also need to have a Range 3 Attack to declare the Attack. Shield: Gutrippa with wicked stikka Gutrippa with wicked stikka Boltboyz boss (champion) Dagger: Killaboss on great gnashtooth (leader) Stab grot Pot grot. . So I’ve played one game and mis read the rules. Which is also the part not provided in Crypt of blood, by the way. So far I have not found or received anything on stacking or minimum stat rules for Warcry. “HEROES AND ALLIES NEVER LEAD When a fighter is included in a warband as a hero or ally, if they have the Leader runemark on their fighter card, this runemark is only used to determine which abilities the fighter can use; the hero or ally is not considered to have the Bel'akor or the Grat Unclean One does not exist in Warcry. Monster rules have been normalized and added to the core game. After that move action, that. Hammer: Gutrippa with wicked stikka Gutrippa with wicked stikka Boltboy. The GHB card pack (this will be in high demand until GW starts selling them directly). If this is 1000 points A 13 unit warband is kind of wild for a box set. There's a few preset battleplans ready to go in the free rules they released you can get started with. It reads: “This fighter makes a bonus move action. But, then I saw the optional rule "Archetypes" that says: " you can forgo the extra rules for Bladeborn fighters (such as being limited to 1 on a roster and not being subject to injury A rules compilation for Warcry. 0 are a somewhat elite faction, they, like all fast teams, pay a premium for their movement. You don't have named heroes and army-defining monsters. When climbing onto a platform you need to have enough movement to put at least the center of your base on the platform, so you count the vertical distance up the terrain, then measure the distance onto the terrain from where you climbed to. If there's no sign of new "official" Warbands other than Spire Tyrants/Scions of the Flame, I'll look at doing new Warbands – most likely Gutbusters or Brayherd It could easily be $200 to $300 USD and likely in the middle, but the gauge is a preorder bonus to encourage you to get it from GW directly and not a 3rd party at a 10 to 20% discount. I will try and describe some of the rules, because I believe it is hard for you to understand if this is a game for you The more recent warbands come from their own box where you're find the cards or the associated book that comes in the double box sets. After a long wait, Games Workshop is finally providing Warcry rules for the Nethermaze Bladeborn warbands. Ravaging Mobs is a slick and streamlined solo mode for Warcry (1. -We also missed that the monster was free. There’s nothing announced, but yes there’s always updates to rules to include new units, usually through stuff like White Dwarf if it’s minor. This is a reddit community centered around the exchange of digital PC games - Steam or otherwise. Pick another friendly fighter That fighter makes a bonus. Noice, happy to have more Death in Warcry. The unofficial solo rules still relies on the warband abilities. ago. fighter must be within 1" of the enemy. I'm working on a version for Warcry next using the general If you want the full experience of pure GW Warcry, you should have the terrain and use the cards. It seems that the next White Dwarf (February), includes the "expected" rules to play with a band of Fyreslayers in Warcry. Scars are fast but really expensive (240p) and ain't do so much dmg (worse than Sunblood or Eternity Warden or Kroxigor) In my opinion -> they are TOO expensive. That gives you 8 bodies. There's nothing here to suggest that it is multiple different obstacles, except the desire to interpret cover differently from the rules as written. I managed to ask to my kiosk to order Core rules stayed pretty much the same except for reactions and a few tidy ups, narrative play has been expanded with some new mechanics like quests and encampments, and there is indeed one sprue less of terrain compared to Red Harvest. So when my friend was trying to get me into AoS last year, she took me into a Warhammer store and showed me all the range for AoS and then since I didn't want to make a large investment at the time, the Warcry range. Undead Knight w Greatsword 120. The vampires vs stormcast part is two underworlds warbands reboxed with terrain and Warcry rules, with a seperate Warcry warband for FEC and Stormcast listed as good ways to expand the stuff from the box The rules for including Bladeborn (Underworlds) Fighters in Warcry 2. Allocated D6 damage points to their attacker. Hence the term "trap". Sort by: Add a Comment. I think they plan to eventually rerelease rules for these models in Warcry, but I’m not sure when that is coming. I would normally recommend one or the other depending on which setting is preferred, but if they're both open season, Warcry is a more fleshed-out game with more options. GW published some free pdfs of all the stats. In the meantime, I think Untamed Beasts is a thematic and doable team to ally them into. e. You can still use any abilities the leaders have from their ability lists. Core book extras: The SBGL ones are the crimson court, an underworlds warband from the direchasm season a year or two ago. The Mindstealer Sphiranx had just come out, and being a cat, I thought it looked super cool A subreddit for the Warhammer skirmish game set in the Mortal Realms! Horns of Hashut abilities and the new Reactions. The God Speaker can generate extra wild dice which can be huge in letting you get abilities off and for gaining initiative. It's implemented reasonably well but what an unintuitive way to make a rule. By bringing in allies/monsters with good abilities you could take better advantage of the extra wild dice to power them up. I am compiling a list myself. Adding more challenges is just part of the fun! Discussion warband removal. Though I do agree that the free rules are all you need to know the rules of the game, but without battleplans, and narrative content, you're arguably missing the best part of the game. With those two mistakes, the defenders felt really over powered. So firstly, the discontinued warbands will not be produced anymore. Base-to-base, anything between is cover. Kruleboyz 1000 points. Wrong rules not so much. 5 brute with 1 Gore Choppa should be 990-995 points. Warcry doesn't do characters. The printed book also has rules on campaign play and balanced play battle packs, as well as some lore fluff. You can also spend a Quad on Destructive Rampage to remove the offending terrain. A subreddit for the Warhammer skirmish game set in the Mortal Realms! Free Warcry Rules for Your Grand Alliance Order Warbands. (And if A would attack B, 0. ) So if you want to be able to play at home with your girlfriend, you'll need the following things: NEED: - One Warcry Terrain box (Includes the cards and board needed) - Two warbands (If you buy any of the Warcry Warband boxes, you'll have all you need, otherwise you will want the card pack and models from Age of Sigmar armies) - Warcry Core Rules. New rules and fighter cards for using Fyreslayers in your games of Warcry. We ask that you please take a minute to read through the rules and check out the resources provided before creating a post, especially if you are new here. But if you sell off the core rule book. You might end up getting scammed if you ignore the stickied safety guide and the AutoModerator warnings sent to your inbox. You can literally stack your 35 point rats to be within 12 of an objective and out activate with your other models by waiting. Why they don't exist is a different question. 23 Share. Related WarCry Warhammer 40,000 Collectible card came Board wargame Tabletop games Board game Games forward back r/WarCry A subreddit for the Warhammer skirmish game set in the Mortal Realms! The compendium PDFs enjoy. Merciless Cruelty is amazing. Though it's highly likely that they will be relayivly low toughness with the non shielded ones having 2, the shielded having 3 and the fella with the helmet (the hero?) Having 4. I'm waiting to see what the next Warcry Expansion is before I spend any time on doing new Warbands, and I'm getting a bit too bored with Kill Team to do any more homebrewing for that. If these warbands were new or the ones that are missing from single boxes, like the Eshin clan Skavens, I would be much more likely to make a purchase. Kill Team was made by illiterates with game design degrees from an online scam workshop. Skinks with blotspitters are really a great choice (normal dmg but 6'' move and 12''R!) so you should have as many of them as possible. well, the rule change is probably for the best, back to the drawing board. Killteam is much more complicated and will take several playthroughs of book digging before you remember all the ins and outs, by the end of our first game of warcry we had almost all the rules down stat. Warcry 2022: New Core Rules Overview. There are typos, but unless it affects the rules I am ignoring them and going through each ToC 2021 entry to make sure points and other rules are accurate. So in the end, it depends of what you want to do, and if you want to play against no brain enemies/ animals (for example, I love creating my own scénarios where I use bestmen as enemies), or a game closer to the classical gameplay against warbands. But that's probably as close as it 3. The contents of the seraphon, Skaven and Khorne boxes should be good to go tho. Reply. There are alot of YouTube vids detailing the differences between Warcry 2022 and the previous version. The Leader runemark has been renamed the Hero runemark. •. The total wounds of the warband should be 65 to 75. Warcry is an extremely simple skirmish game that imo is more of a table, beer, watch a movie type of thing. You're still missing over a third of the rulebook. Yes, terrain is a large part of this game mode and it’s baked in. Chaotic Beast rules have been removed. • 2 yr. Given that most areas are on lockdown and most shops and clubs are closed, I had recently revised my solo play rules for Necromunda for playing against an AI controlled opponent (using tables to determine behavior, sorta like blackstone fortress). Thralls have the Chaotic Beast and Thrall runemarks. Ally rules have been normalized and added to the core game. That being said they don't look terrible. Yes, the two warbands are Bladeborn per the Warcry rules. I'm pretty sure it doesn't. So much for using legacy material. E. Lordsguard w Halberd 150. You start by making a warband with one hero (your leader) and the All new White Dwarf rules get posted onto subreddits, if you've got no interest in the actual magazine and only want the new rules then you can just download the images when they come out. If this is breaking the rules please let me know or delete it. Hammer lord 240. Probably not. Then swarm any objective to take it. A subreddit for the Warhammer skirmish game set in the Mortal Realms! A fighter can make this reaction after an enemy fighter finishes a move action visible to this fighter and within 3" of this fighter. So you find the rules where you find the models. This is great and extremely handy, thank you! Slakeslash (Bladeborn) Hazdu (Bladeborn) Glissette (Bladeborn) Grashrak Fellhoof (Ally) Ushkor (Bladeborn) Gnarl (Bladeborn) Effectively the faction is Sybarites so I took Vasillac as my Leader and the rest of the dread pageant fighters. Luckily, they are rare in this fine document after hard work by the OP and lots of feedback. In this warcry review, I will not only look at the original starter set, but the game as a whole with all the warbands and how healthy it is (and will be). Just agree with your playgroup that they can be treated like any other fighter and that's it. But it seems you actually are confused about rules here, not design. However if you have the figures and just want to play with them because they are cool, not because they might have special rules. For terrain, just follow the recommendations in the pdf for setting up terrain. Beastclaw Raiders or Daughters of Khaine because they only have like 4-7 or so models you can actually use and those few models are expensive in terms of points. 5 is the range Limit in the "Ignore Cover" rule. A fighter can make this reaction when they are targeted by a melee attack action, after the damage is totalled but before it is allocated to this fighter, if it is enough for this fighter to be taken down. Here is the list of those containing sceneries, that are really useful to diversity your warcry tables : 11 , 15 , 26 , 30 , 34 , 36 , 46 , 50 , 54 , 61 , 66 , 72. Your home for all things related to Corvus Corax, the Marines of the XIX Legion, and their successors! Come share your paint jobs, custom models, lists, memes, and whatever else you would like as long as it has relation to the Raven Guard chapter of Space Marines. Warcry is the better system. Users may trade their surplus games for money or for other games as long as they follow the rules of this subreddit. I didn't realize there was no entry for the two warbands in the Two-Player Underworlds box set, the Storm of Celestus and Drepur's Wraithcreepers. Warcry is a good skirmish game. 24K subscribers in the WarCry community. Cursed City warband for Warcry! Free Rules! Archived post. Discussion. Allies have the Ally runemark, and additionally a table in Monsters & Mercenaries lists what warband faction Nooo, I was gonna play my new nurgle warband for the first time on Sunday - with 2 nurglings, and 7 plaguebearers (+90 pts) 🥺. 131. Welcome to the Eldar Subreddit, the premier place on Reddit to discuss Eldar, Dark Eldar and Harlequins for Warhammer 40,000! Feel free to share your army lists, strategies, pictures, fluff and fan-fic, or ask questions or for the assistance of your fellow Eldar! Warcry solo-play rules in the works. That is a ranged attack, so you cannot activate Onslaught on that specific attack. It is mitigated quite a bit by their ability Drag & Maul, a within 6" teleport and damage spike. They said during the stream that you'd be able to use all your old warbands and the books they showed off didn't look thick enough to have new rules for everything in the last edition of Warcry so I'm hopeful that the datasheets are at least transferable between the two editions. I'm cautiously optimistic that this edition of Warcry will be a minor tweak rather than a full blown remake. 2. Hammer Knight 140. So we can assume that the Fyreslayers will not have a card pack Born of Flame. Then, get like one beefy boy from another faction to ally. The free pdf has the Core Rules ie how to play a game from start of the first turn to end of game, but is missing: As above, biggest thing you're getting is the narrative content in the Core Hello fellow painters and gamers :) Here's the latest update of the Compendium (a list of all warbands with profiles and abilities) with the new Cities of Sigmar warband! As always, if you spot a typo or a mistake, please let me know so that I can correct it and update the file asap, thank you in advance. Some of the start collecting boxes def aren’t practical for warcry, i. This is the way forward for a beer and pretzel game. I think we might be looking at a big elf rework at some point. Kill team incorporates some rules from 40K while Warcry is a game of its own imo and won’t get you that AOS feel. Thanks again. I have been using both the digital and physical copy's of the rules, all the errata, articles that GW has put out trying to find anything on it. As it says on the tin the free downloadable PDF is focusing on core rules only. Of course you need Visual contact between A and B as statet in the first Paragraph of attack action. "Moving under high terrain" is so open to misinterpretation/argument, since miniature height's such a bad metric and using the whole miniature is so unintuitive. If someone else already posted them please delete. do ce va tt oa uc ii ii ea ke