Had a dream my mom died reddit. * The latest news and info about dreams.

I send you love, and cannot imagine the nature of your loss. I had a dream that my mom who, in real life, is nowhere near me in fact she is in Italy and Im in America, died. My cat died 2 months at 13 years old, my other car died 2 weeks ago at 16. A few minutes later I woke up again. ago. But this morning I dreamt that my boyfriend died. A few weeks after she died, I saw her in a dream where she was lost and confused, standing alone in thick fog. * Post links to interesting sites or videos related to dreams. Without further information, that is where I would start. About a month after he died, I had the most vivid dream that I pulled into the driveway and there were FBI SUV's parked everywhere, and my dad walked out the front door and met me in the yard, explaining that he'd had to fake his death in order to help the FBI investigate my brother and a drug ring. 5. No, it is scary for mother when dead relatives visit your child. She had the dream again one last time before she died. I felt a "hand touch" on my head and that same night, I had a dream about my Mom. My mom went out of town yesterday to be with my sister. More importantly, this should not be interpreted as a secret demon My dad died suddenly at age 46. The anniversary of your father’s death made your subconscious worry what if my mother were to die. I am 3 years younger than him. I loved calling her and spending time with her. I had a weird dream this morning where, in my dream, my 'mom' died in the hospital. Sort by: JoannaBe. I had a dream that my family was in a horror movie and that my mom was thrown off a balcony in the hotel room. So when she died, I was so worried I would never get to have a visitation from her. My Mum also had mental health issues so I can relate, but perhaps not as bad as your mother's. I had a dream where I’m going home from school. •. I received a call from my dad who told me that my mom had passed away. Her death was just a small portion of who she was. I haven't really had much come to me… Welcome to the Reddit Dreams community! * Ask questions and learn about dreams. A Vivid Dream About my Mom I believe we can get visited in our dreams. I remember having this feeling while hugging him “thank God you’re still here” when I woke up for the first second I had forgotten he was gone. In the dream, she was already there but I had an awareness that in the part of the country (the US) that she was in, there was an outbreak/illness going around that once you had it, acted very quickly I just had a continuation of another dream I had where my mom died. "That's weird, because I just saw him in my dream," I told her. All of the pain flooded back to me, being taken from my mom, me not being there when Grandma died Then it all started to fade away and disappear. I always run into her at a grocery store, or a shopping center like WalMart. Anyone else experience this. I live outside of the country and haven’t seen her in a year and never even really got along with my family. When I go to reassure her she is there crying saying she thought I died and described the dream saying she saw me standing at the foot of her bed with a white aura around me like I was about to cross over. Celebrate her life don't cling to her passing. A few days after my mom died, I dreamed I was at their house with my dad. Breast symbolize maternal love for her children or her other loved ones she has. We were walking down the street and came to a little neighborhood bar. Last month I had a dream that I was in a lawyers office sitting at his desk with books and things on Welcome to the Reddit Dreams community! * Ask questions and learn about dreams. One was so vivid that I remember it clearly over 20 years later. It does not need to be any more complex than that. His head on my chest and his arms wrapped around me. I feel upset about that as she was ill in the dream, I'd rather have seen her when she was well. Purple171717. When I received the news, I hung up the phone I was filled with an extremely intense feeling So I had this weird dream the night before i posted this that my aunt told me my mom died. My brother moved away to another country like 6 years ago where my parents moved. * The latest news and info about dreams. But I also have my 'mom' with me, like her spirit is with me. In a dream, I sat up in my bed and my uncle was in his wheelchair, there but not there, in the room. Last night I asked her to come visit me in my dreams. The feeling you have when you wake up from a dream like that on top of being overwhelmed with grief is so hard to bear. 2 of my mom dying and 1 of my brother which still was the worst most realistic dream of them all. 1. 3. She didn't understand fully why i don't talk to my mom but she never judged me and jumped in to help me as much as she could. I dont know what it means, bit last night I dreamed that my best friends mother died in a car accident. ( she is sitting on a chair that was set ablaze?). Had a dream my mom was dying from cancer. She said it was just the same as before only this time she wasn’t as frightened at the top of the stairs, and she said if the dream came again she wouldn’t turn ADMIN MOD. Yeah, I find dreams about different things are really unpredictable. Where she was in her childhood neighborhood and while she was playing saw a casket on wheels roll down the street towards her. Her death will never define her as a mother. He smiled and waved, a goodbye. Considering she had Covid-19 and it wrecked her system, the dream felt extremely real. " I said ". I truly don't remember the last time I had a "happy" dream. I watched over my father while he was at work, and I was basically a ghost. I was unable to. It freaked me out, I didn’t comprehend what was happening but at the same time I did. Both mentally and financially I couldn’t. It's been a month since my mom died (and I was even closer to her) and I hadn't had any dreams of her. They had this girl that brought me this necklace. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver I had a dream wherein my parents died. In my dream I definitely had a mental break down as I can remember crying like that two other times as an adult. My parents were recovered alcoholics, had been for decades. Some are very easily interpreted and some are somewhat abstract, and I’ve even had a dream that i knew was a “visitation dream”. Reply. In my dream it was her birthday and all I could do was cry. Dreams love to exaggerate to get out attention. Maybe knowing that will help. My mom passed away 10 years ago this September. "He was waving My mom died when I was 2 and I don’t have a single memory of her. but I was pretty pissed at her for not getting in touch earlier. My mom and I's relationship was difficult during my adolescent years, but I spent my early adulthood telling her I was sorry a lot and calling her a lot to connect and share experiences with her. I've got a funeral to arrange. Is this a premonition ? And they had a ceremony for this girl that died. Thanks. Be glad that you have fond memories of her. Just letting me believe she was dead. captain_pops. I started convincing him to go upstairs and get a bottle of wine, but I had to let him know I was leaving because it Dreamt my mom died suddenly. I don't need to go to work. I had dreams of my mom being near death for several years after she died from kidney cancer. This dream is meaning that perhaps you mother is beginning to lose a close connection she once had for someone who is close to her. I think dreaming of the death of a parent on the night that is the anniversary of the death of a parent is not something that needs additional interpretation. I dreamt that my mom died and I think she did. Here is the dream: I had a dream that I was trying to bring her back into her body (even though she's cremated now). * Connect with a community of dream enthusiasts. So I just woke up from this dream a few hours ago and I had to share it but I had no one to share with so here it is. I had asked them why I was there and they said I should know why. Some nights my wife wakes me because I'm crying for my mom like I'm a little boy. Everytime I'm missing her with sadness I can hear tell me that "it's ok, it's ok". She holds Seeing A Dead Person In A Dream. I had a few dreams that she was a secret agent and she would contact me years later to let me know things were cool. And then after a while my sister wasn’t by my side no more. Nuisance2052. My mom died in 2010 from metastatic melanoma. But I was like my mom died, I don't need to go to work, I've got a funeral to arrange. This seems like a situation where your own expectation changed the dream. Lol! A few days after deciding I’ll only have a relationship so I can have access to my baby sibling and be in their life to protect them as much as I can (because I’ve caught her saying some horrendously abusive shit to them as well) I had a dream that my mom died and I had to give a eulogy. A few days before I found out, an old neighbor reached out to let me know that she had had a dream about my mom holding a little baby up in heaven, bouncing and playing with the baby on her It was October 24th when she passed away. My mother starts going off about, how my brother committed Suicide. They weren't trying to stop people from leaving, anyone could leave if they wanted. I’ve had two dreams of him recently. She died a little over six years ago, and thinking about that dream still gives me chills. In my dream I was absolutely heartbroken, and confused the emotions felt real in the dream of that makes sense. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit A dream my mom had in 1990 When I was 3 years old my mom had this dream that I have heard her tell about 5000 times. a few days after her dream her friend actually died. Be glad that you had a mother that gave more than she took . It will get easier, i promise, but you will never stop missing her. Sometimes I’m begging her to stay alive while she’s trying to commit, and sometimes we are arguing. I had a dream where my family and I went horseback riding and biking. In my dream, I went to a large empty light blue room with only an open casket in it and my siblings standing in front of it. He was old, very old at that point. For context, the relationship between my mom and I has always been strained. Being lonely represents your dislike of being rejected or misunderstood. Just breathe and remember it didn't actually happen. For some background info, I'm a mama's girl. Tears streamed like rivers down my face. His walk was so distinct and I thought to myself, “soak in this moment because he’s actually dead”. Basically, my mom had this really vivid dream as a kid that she described to me on multiple occasions. it was a relatively normal dream at first, i don’t remember much of the beginning but at some point i went to the shopping centre with my mum. Having sex with someone in a dream means you are dealing with that aspect of you life, that that person represents. Which I also would What a coincidence this thread popped up and you said that. My Mom passed in December 2021 from cancer. Work on the underlying emotions. I am 4 months pregnant and I am now absolutely horrified I am going to die soon. the next day, the news that my mom died spread like wild fire and eventually travelled to other countries. Her dead body started to move, she started to make the typical sounds she would from waking up. now im not superstitious, i dont believe in them. some guy starting singing stuff in the background, some lyrics about doing stuff “just because” or something. Could someone please tell me why this happened in my dream, I fear what I may become if this happens. One of them we were walking down a street and I had my arms wrapped around his waist with his arm around my shoulder. In my dream last night, there was some major fuss/event going on in a city where I live, possibly chaos or rioting in the streets. She would always tell me that when I'm upset. ADMIN MOD. • 6 mo. I woke up sobbing and had to call him cause I felt the actual pain of what it would be irl and it was unbearable. Maybe you need to spend Backstory: My family and I were going to go on vacation to the Philippines, and a week before I had this terrifying dream. So, the dream mirrored a real situation I am currently in. My mom also died in march (very suddenly) - a month before my sons first birthday. I had a dream that he FaceTimed me and I woke up so excited to tell my mom that we could talk to him. He was hesitant at first. I dreamt that she was in the hospital, sick but still alive. IT FELT REAL. It was a two heart necklace. It was because she or something made him so miserable, then my mom started saying some mean horrible things about how he died. She committed suicide in 2019. The second, last week, she died of health issues if I recall correctly. I have been able to find my own meanings in almost all of the ones my mother has been in, but there’s always a common theme. • 10 mo. i don’t remember my dreams well but i’ll try to be as clear as possible describing it. She looked at the casket and cried. I also dream about her almost every night. and then me and my mum started running for It's been just over 7 months since I lost my brother, but just yesterday I was thinking how crazy it is that I can't just message or call him. So you are having issues with you feminine side and your subconscious is trying to deal with it. Just woke up from a nap an hour ago, and my dream was I was in my kitchen, and there was my mom cooking dinner, my father yelled from the next room that yes, mom's alive. I thought loved ones were supposed to come to us via dreams, but every dream I have is terrifying and sometimes full of hate. So I went to my uncle for help. It's weird I very rarely dreamed about my mom after she died back in 98. 5 of my dad all very different from each other. Recently both my parents passed in April. They weren’t the type for photography. I woke up in tears. I dreamed she died. It certainly caused me many issues so I relate to the mixed feelings. And I don’t really recall how my father is dead too but when my elder sibling comes down the stairs, I tell him ‘dad is no more. You have a dream that their still alive and everything is wonderful and exactly as it should be, only to wake up and its like you lost them all over again. in your dream?. Last night my mom went missing. Reply reply. Both times, these dreams have been so realistic that I was convinced they were real life. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. It may also reflect a longing to do something new. It was frightening. My mom passed away and I was trying to numb that pain and she came to me in a dream and it felt so real and life like… she showed what would’ve happen and she lived longer. . She was diagnosed the day I was sent home from college because of… Visitation Dream. She was the sweetest soul. I don’t really remember everything in detail but what happened was he died when we were, I think, out together or I was the last person he was with before he died in my dream. This dream is symbolic in meaning and does not represent actually aquiring cancer. It brings me some comfort that you dream of her; in fact that is why I came: to link you to r/ADCConnection. Then I had a change of other strange dreams. She originally died from a brain aneurism in real life… so in this dream, instead of her dying from the aneurysm, we got her to the hospital in time, and she was OK, but she kept laying in the bed with this blanket over her face, and for some reason I couldn’t see her face, but I knew it was She hugged me, I could smell her perfume, and she told me she was okay and she loves me. I've been depressed all evening missing her all over again. Horrible dreams about my deceased mom. I turned it of. i refused to look at it and went on with my daily life (despite having a huge gaping hole at the back of my head) i remember getting home and finding my brother & my childhood best friends My mother died in a car crash in my dream, and now I honestly fear what may happen to her. 2. When I do dream, I am usually aware that I am inside one and am not really bothered. Then in the afternoon when I arrive, I saw my mom died and being transported to our home for funeral. This kind of freaked me out. My father died in the 26th. i received alot of texts from my friends on my phone, telling me that they will always be there for me and stuff like that and at this point, i was still dream about 'mom' dies, but I have the 'mom' with me. I wish you peace, and hope this is in no way out of place. No mother wants to lose her child, that is why they are so terrified. I know very little about her. Like I feel like I should still be able to message him and him respond. It is considered a bad omen in many cultures if deceasEd comes in a dream and wants you to go with him/her. In the dream i seem to be living a normal life and then suddenly i got reminded that my mother is dead, it shocked me very badly and my head started sinking deep and i felt extremely saddened by the thought that i didn't spend time with her and she left without saying anything. I'm still affected from her passing. It's okay to feel a bit nervous and sad after a dream like that. * Share your dreams. I also lost my mom to cancer about 3 years ago. I guess I realized how much I take her for granted as an everyday figure in my life and the time I have with her now is precious. I cried so hard and my dad (who recently died a month ago) hugged me and also cried. In my dream, I had clued in that I was dreaming and wanted to take in every second of watching him walk to his car because I knew he was actually gone. It was very much going off well and I thought it would be a good idea to ask my friend if he wanted to drink. She even called me in the hospital in full labor. Last night I woke up from a terrible nightmare. Felt like posting this. It just doesn't feel real to me. I had to get up in an hour or so. I remember one night in early March, I was crying before I went to bed, fearing how my life will be like from now on. There were still people getting off the plane from the previous flight (obviously this makes no sense but ya know) and I had a couple conversations with two guys who were My mom had a dream that I died I was woken up at about 1:30 in the morning, by my dad who my mom sent to make sure I was ok. Now I know to never pick sides or fuss with her. Had dream my brother died the same night he unexpectedly died. Next thing I know I'm being awakened by a phone call that he had died My mom letting me know. Due to the nature of her death (a large fast-growing tumor in her brain), I think when I saw her, she hadn’t realized what had happened or that she was dead. It ruined my entire day. We were leaving on July 7th, 2019 to the Philippines and around a week before we left, I had a dream that I just couldn’t get out of my head. * Request interpretation of your dreams. In the dream, I was told by my stepdad that my mother had died in a car accident and was gone. I was walking through the kitchen and my dad was pulling my mom's rocking chair in from the back patio. And I cried when she gave it to me. Then I started crying, and in my dream my mom was really angry with me. I don't know if that's something to be worried about, but anyway. 2 months later on Christmas morning I slept in past noon, I had a dream that my mom came to me and said goodbye. * Keep a dream journal. Its enough to ruin months of progress toward me I had nervously looked around before seeing my grandparents, but their faces were static. i was confused and sat up, causing what i assume to be my brain to fall out next to me. [Question] The first time was last year, in which she died in a car crash. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver I'm NC with my mom but my MIL passed 13 days after my son's birth last year. On January 1st of this year, my mom (38 when she passed) died of breast cancer. ’. • 5 mo. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment My mom died in my dreams, twice. I know that type of magic is extremely dangerous and I don't consciously practice or read anything in thatbut it worked. My dad never talks about her and neither do my siblings. The world started to fell apart, tornado and hurricane came. My Dad passed October 2021 in an accident. Brooklyn's Mom has been inviting us over lately and I had to tell her I can't for this reason. And I was like what about my sister. I broke down and started crying right then and there, as i… I had a dream that my friend's mom died I was at a party at his mom's house with his friend. What that was I don’t know. In this dream I was dealing with the aftermath and the immense grief I felt at her passing. Cancer represents a great deal of pain. Insight. I had walked up to them but was stopped before I could make contact with them. My mother died on the 8th of April. In the dream she had cancer and lost her hair … if you knew my mom her hair was a big deal . I had a dream my mom died in a car cash what does it mean I was in the back and also my brother we both survived but only she died I had a dream a few weeks ago that everyone was mad because Kermit the Frog won "Most Mother" in a national election against Taylor Swift and Katy Perry upvotes · comments r/thomastheplankengine I feel you. HeavenIyfire. I asked what he was doing with that chair and he said, "Your mom . The other 99. Posted by u/Xevami - 2 votes and no comments The image of your mother seems to be consistent throughout past dreams so when I see her transform into a demon, especially in this way, with you feeling it first, checking, and being proven correct. We have talked about in length the death of her mother and it was kind of eye opening (her mom had died around 8 months before I met her) Her mom had end stage kidney disease my friends whole life. I found out I was pregnant with my second a few months later. I'll just preface this a bit… BlackBeard1980. I woke up feeling so many emotions. All I remember is that I died. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver I had a terrible dream of my mother being dead. I’ve had multiple dreams of all my family members dying. My mother told me that she had that dream a lot as a child, but that it gradually faded and then disappeared as she got older. On to this dream. I woke up with tears in my eyes and I can still hear dream me crying the way I did. When my dad died, I had a nice dream about him within a week of him passing away. So I've been stressed a lot for the past few weeks so I'm not surprised by this dream, but I wanted to share. I'm 19. After… r/ChildrenofDeadParents. but im scared of this because my mother experienced the same thing. It wasn't clear what she died from… Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home I haven't had any dreams for a long time but last night I had such a vivid and long, convoluted dream. As soon as I woke up I went around telling everyone in the house the dream I had and how i was so excited I got to see my mom. I had one recently where she dumped a My 3 y/o son woke up hysterically crying last week saying "Mommy you died. I really think that your loved ones will visit you in your dreams. My whole family were travelling in a car (which didn't make sense firstly because my Mom died 16 years ago but also because there would have been 5 of us and in my dream we were being driven by a taxi driver in a 5 seater). What could this dream mean ? My mom isn’t sick and she’s about 64 years old and relatively healthy. Don’t have a job, so I couldn’t possibly pay the rent to keep the apartment. Immediately sensing something was wrong she bolted and hid behind a tree. I am 18 male, me and my father have always both bottled up emotions. In this dream I was dreaming of a random dream of me singing in my school’s bathroom when suddenly I see him hugging me. In the beginning of the dream, I was boarding a plane with my mom and was sitting in the back of the plane. Question. She's been dead 15 years. Like I had a dream before where I was in a car with my mom and I was trying to get a ride from a friend, but the car was too small to get me out, so I decided to just hold on to the door to my apartment. Sometimes a dream can become less intense over time as we get more distance to the event in question and the feelings surrounding it. She dreamed of seeing her friend in funeral, and she was dead. " He said yes, and something about his friend Brooklyn's house. r/Dreams • by DevilishFlow4. My friend and I discovered the body. By this point, I couldn’t remember their faces. the news was saying that my mom had been involved with black magic and cult shit. I dreamt that my mother had died. Be glad , that you had a mother that you loved. My brother at the time was in a bad place, getting into drugs, etc. It was created by another redditor to gather dreams like yours, though mainly dreams about those that have moved on. He had on a white robe and he looked at peace, the background around us was bright, the brightest room there ever was. I had died, I don’t know how. Welcome to the Reddit Dreams community! * Ask questions and learn about dreams. Numerous people outside had initially gone to protest, all middle aged or older, but the police and soldiers had dropped all their weapons. They looked sad but also happy. I have only had one dream about my Mum since she died in November 2021. Not me, but a close friend of mine. Waking up by the sound of my alarm. tchitchita. The dream helped me a lot with her being gone A girlfriend death in a dream represents the end of a thinking pattern, habit, or life situation that made you feel good or helped you cope with life situations. Dreamed my mom died. In this dream, my mom had just came back to life. Our Mum's represent our femininity. A bedroom represents private thoughts, or issues that you I have really vivid dreams, like insanely vivid. Another thing is, no joke, every time I dream it seems to be a nightmare. So a burglar broke into our house and I don’t remember most of the remaining dream except the bit where my mom is dead. 9% is what you need to focus upon . Just to say, I have always called my mom "mama". my mother came in and shot me. Working on the emotions around the shooting and your mother's death can, with time, make the nightmares stop on their own. I can see her and talk to her. I immediately fell to my knees and my chest got so tight I couldn’t breathe. She always did dialysis and was fine. What makes this so horrible is knowing it’s going to happen one day. DUDE somehow I think we both had some extremely specific life experience where the concept of parental death and monsters inc memes got inexorably linked in our minds because I have made exactly ONE post to this subreddit before and it is WAY too similar to this. When I looked over the balcony to the ground I saw hundreds of people in white morph suits with the deadmau5 helmet but in white with red eyes and no ears looking up at me. This dream might not even really be about your girlfriend. She met our son once and she was so in love with him. We haven’t talked much since he moved. Then the home turned into a train and it went into a river and we started to drown. The setup was I got informed that my mom died, but I was confused because how did that happen? I have my mom with me. Standing underneath the edge of a factory, a large steel door blocked the train station off. I just had a dream that my (still living) 13 year old dog died and woke up with puffy wet eyes, I don’t wake up crying but I do wake up mid dream crying but can’t move. I put my hands over my face and scream sobbed Then I woke up. That’s all I remember. Me and my mom were in my grandma’s home. It could simply be saying that there is something important happening in your life, but you are so busy that you are not aware of it, or are not giving it the detention it deserves. Had a dream that my mom was still alive. Each time you remember the dream (or any memory for that matter), your brain thinks it's actually happening (can't discern between memory & reality) so your body had the normal reaction for that. When my mother (who was my best friend) died, I would dream of her. Weird. So this dream was logical, it made sense, it followed a train of events, it was real, and had an insane plot twist. So I fell asleep again. Moving on. The scariest part is that my mother also dreamed of someone dying before. Not a word was spoken between us, just pure peace. Hugs. I dreamt about having to go on without her. in my dream, i was asleep face down. Since my mom's death, I've been having difficult dreams about my mom. Everything felt real in my dream. My mom died in my dream and I remembered reality. ou nt qy vx kw rt bp lm nb zq