I keep seeing articles online saying "Don't hug your dog" and that they don't like it and it stresses them out. Aug 2, 2023 路 Here are the steps that Bloom offers to teach your dog to tolerate hugs better: For dogs who don’t like being touched by strangers at all, start with Step 1: Have someone your dog doesn’t know stand near him. It is also natural for them to dislike being touched in certain ways. timmyboyoyo. Naked hugs. It’s frustrating, to say the least. The doctor randomly asked him during our exam if he likes hugs. Jul 11, 2023 路 If hugging and kissing are human forms of affection, dogs show their affection with loose bodies, rubbing themselves against you. If my doggos sees me hugging anyone at all he will come up to me, stand up and put his paws on me as if to say, Hug me too!!!! Look for your dog's reaction to your hug. Give the dog some love and attention after the hug. Depends if your girlfriend wants to get bit or not becouse that's asking to get bit the dog is saying he doesn't like it. 9K votes, 43 comments. I make hugs awkward by holding on for longer than normal. It seems the standard hug is the “X hug” which forms from the right arm up, left arm down hug. Furrowed brow. So please, just ask. But when it comes to people like the owner they generally don't care or don't mind hugs, some dogs might like it. Yau says they may nuzzle your hand to solicit petting and cuddles, too. Dogs don’t hug, they do what humans say for food. As a general rule, most dogs don't like hugs. ADMIN MOD. Some breeds are more tolerant of it than other breeds. Put hug sign, let people figure out how to hug you. Always observe your dog’s body language to determine if she wants a hug. 56M subscribers in the funny community. Dr. Dogs communicate affection differently than humans, and not all i don't, lmao. I like hugs from my grandma and my sister and even from my mom too. • 3 yr. So basically I think it's like It depends on the dog. But there's another important reason why pups seek out close contact. SOME dogs absolutely do not like being hugged. I don’t like the human interaction people place on animals like that. Reply. In other words, shy/ackward women; if you are friendly and talk to me, in general, do you want me to hug you goodbye? Sometimes my brother's kids when I see them. "I'm not really a hugger, so sending you mental hugs instead!" punctuated by the motions and grunting sound effect as desired. Some dogs have had a bad experience (ranging from accidents to mistreatment by a former owner). Or the other way around. I don't do it to friends, though. You're reading way too much into it. But are more genuine since they can read Sep 14, 2020 路 The results were surprising and even alarming: 81% of the photos showed dogs giving off at least 1 distress sign. 4. Most well socialized dogs will tolerate it to an extent, but should they warn you to stop, it’s best to heed that warning. When you are being hugged or touched, your brain is rewarding you for taking part in actions that will improve your overall survival chances by releasing Oxytocin to calm your nervous system. I was having a study session last night and had a cuddle session with the boys, and I became and ENFJ for like two hours馃拃 I just felt very happy and empathetic. Tense jaw and tightly closed mouth. He's learned that hugs are affection and so likes them. If your dog gives you signals that they don't like it then I would stop. crackerjam. Our dog always wants in on the hug, stands up on us until one of us picks her up. The neediest of cuddly dogs. But it's not like a "Oh, women love hugs and I can squeeze the booty while she's lowered her guard" thing. Professor Coren studied 250 dogs, of which 204 showed some signs of anxiety, discomfort or stress. For me, I think the best hugs are when the hugger isn't being self-conscious about it. A nervous dog will probably have some of the following reactions: Closed mouth rather than mouth slightly open and relaxed. Dogs don’t have the same physical anatomy as us, with arms with the same wide range of movement and so a hug in the human sense isn’t an action a dog can perform in the same way we can. Pay attention to his body language and if he seems to like hugs, by all means please keep hugging him. Even certain family members I can do without hugs. Exercise is another great way to bond with your four-legged friend, taking them to We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. In Chinese medicine the theory is that because parents lessen their contact with autistic children because of their negative responses, that they sensory issues become worse. 3M subscribers in the NoStupidQuestions community. • 4 yr. This means that a hug, and the process of giving a hug like humans do, is outside of your dog’s frame of reference, and this means 936 votes, 28 comments. Next, open your arms wide and lean in slowly and give the dog a gentle hug. help. 5. I don’t really like being cuddled or touched for long periods of time (mostly due to me being neurodivergent) and my pup is the same way- try and cuddle up to her and she’ll tolerate it for about 30 seconds, huff then go settle somewhere else. The fact is, dogs usually don't like to be hugged because they feel confined. Whenever I hug my family, my dog will put her front paws on me and stretch, almost like she’s saying “I want in on this. SnarfraTheEverliving. One being that dog's dislike hugs and the guilty look is a fear look. For mammals and birds it's likely a highly When you wrap your arms around your furry friend in a cuddle, look for signs of relaxation: a loose body, a wagging tail, and a content face indicate they might like hugs. They can learn to enjoy hugs, but it is not something dogs do with each other, so it is not instinctive. I think you will find a solution in compromising and meeting in the middle. One study of 250 photographs of people hugging their dogs found that 82% showed at least one sign of stress I feel like hugs around the waist are more friendship. My family never did much hugging beyond early childhood. Kids are the best because they can only think of the hug. Both of my dogs aren't to cuddly, mostly just want pets here and there. You might see this play out at the dog park when two dogs are in a scuffle, and 10 minutes later As someone previously mentioned, dogs learn to accept hugs and your dog might see it as a sign of affection from you. Your dog is naturally more cuddly than average. I just stop at her work during my work day to say hi and give her a hug and a hiss and see how her day's going. I associate them with intimacy. I like doing the hugging around the waist while she hugs me around the neck. Apparently recoiling in fear of being hugged, is a big no no. 11% showed dogs who seemed to neither like nor dislike the hugs. They have had good response with what is basically a deep tissue massage. Ask away! My dog hated restrictive hugs and favored scratches and pats. Billy was that, except for other dogs. If your dog responds positively to hugs, it’s reasonable to think that they like them. No inhibitions or hesitation. In middle school, I would go for a front hug and my friend would be turning for the side hug. Nervous licking of the lips which has nothing to do with food or water he might just have ingested. Reply reply. 473K subscribers in the Awww community. I hug everyone all the time. Jan 24, 2024 路 It’s so easily avoidable that we highly recommend not letting your child hug dogs. I… Dogs are kinda like people, everyone has different levels of what they’re comfortable with. just like people. I have never experienced it with any other dog before and can't find other people's experiences. I don't turn away hugs as an attempt at social grace, but I never initiate a hug with all but a few people. If I'm using the bathroom, she will either sit in front of me or try to hug me. Misc. [Discussion] Despite the internet saying otherwise, my dog likes hugs. I think it depends on the dog. Give your pup treats for staying relaxed while the person is there. I do not like those videos showing dogs wrapping their paws around another and everyone gushing about them giving/getting hugs. It can be anxiety inducing for them. Let your dog come to you and touch it in a way that it feels comfortable. As I'm hugging him, he's panting with a loose mouth, and his butt/tail is shaking like crazy. If not, the arms-out approach into a handshake is a pretty cool greeting. This subreddit is a great starting point for a lot of information, but you should always verify and expand upon what you've read from reputable sources before putting it to use in your daily life. As adults, it’s pretty safe to say that you can read your dog’s body language and hug—or don’t—accordingly. MOD. If there are several types of people you like hugs from (romantic partners, friends, family members etc) but you don't like… Hugging can be seen as a type of dominance against dogs since hugging is not really in their evolution. my best friend hates any hugs. Then there are other happy go lucky pups that feel like the more hugs, the better. Conditioning. I'll do it, but I won't necessarily like it. Reddit's largest humor depository Some dogs have learned through interactions with people that hugging is another way of getting attention from their owners and may learn to accept it. No. a pick-up hug (I like to pick up my teeny tiny girlfriends). You know your dog better than the internet does. I cry over silly things. It could be dominance, but dogs also do this for attention, in a dominating kinda way- “if I stand on them, they’ll want to give me pets” unless it’s accompanied with other dominance seeking behavior, or aggression- I wouldn’t worry too much, and don’t trust what google dog psychology tells you either- dogs are a lot more individualist and than we like to give them credit for, and My rescued pitty girl will come up to me and paw at my leg. Aug 21, 2023 路 Dogs Who Don’t Like Petting. CountingSatellites. In other situations, I feel somewhat uncomfortable being hugged, but I also really hate hugging somebody else since I don't know how hard and where I should hug them. All of the above. People think of goldens as being bundles of happy energy. My dog shows his affection by sitting close to me, by being playful with me. I actually discovered the other day that I am deficient in oxytocin (hug chemical). hugs are awesome! better than a handshake or a high five. That_known_guy. Totally normal a lot of dogs do not like it at all. Yes in some cases people give someone a hug because they think they need it, but some people are just physically demonstrative when it comes to affection. He loves chest and shoulder massage, he likes to be brushed, he loves chin and face rubs but only from his closest humans (he otherwise doesn't like when humans touch his head). Oct 5, 2022 路 Pilossoph likens dog cuddling to canines meeting at the dog park. Lying next to you, following you, licking, and showing belly for belly rubs are all signs dogs love you. 21 votes, 27 comments. 53M subscribers in the funny community. “Most dogs love being touched,” says Sylvia Koczerzuk, a certified dog trainer and dog behavior consultant, “but as far as traditional hugs the way humans hug each other? Dogs aren’t Just one thing I do while in the middle of a hug is giving them some back-tickles :3. I'm a guy and I don't initiate hugs. First, they smell one another to get a feel for their new friend and generate a memory of them. If someone is trying to hug me I just pull back and tell them to don't do that. You have to train a dog to like hugs and if they growl when you do them stop immediately or if you get bit it's not the dogs fault he told you not to and you ignored him. If they like each other, they cuddle and rub up against each other to show their fondness and friendship. I have a Collie and Akira. So to answer your question, we enjoy it and so do they. I do like to be hugged by my husband and my children. My mom didn’t treated me that well but she did her best and I still love her. They determined this by observing dogs’ body language. Award. I often do cry but very very rarely like full on sobbing (although I definitely got that way once when stoned and thinking about what would happen when my dad died), it's definitely more just watery eyed. I hugged back the first, kinda did the 'standing there' thing the second and for the third I genuinely pushed her off lmao, which she laughed with me about. While a cat is simple, they wake, eat, play, sleep, repeat. As dog behavior goes, a hug could be a dominance or aggressive move. To generalize what dog like and dont like seems unfair. Just know that you’re not alone. They may also shower you in their own, sloppy kisses, of course. Looking away from you, like he's just lost something. there's a lot of social context and individual preference i think, and you want to be careful The thing about dogs and hugs is that if you’re hugging them, they can’t back away if they’re uncomfortable, which means they are more likely to go straight to biting if they don’t like what’s going on. Then to be left alone, but be near you Incase any action goes on. Do this for about 5-10 repetitions. Especially my mom. Some of my friends aren't big on hugs and physical affection, which I've gotten used to. Before we can determine whether dogs like hugs, it’s important to understand how they express and feel affection. Coren looked for classic dog body language that signal emotional discomfort or inner conflict. [deleted] 1. I only feel something emotionally in certain situations (like when I'm crying or having a meltdown) where I'm being hugged. In other instances, they may simply enjoy the sensation of being touched, or they associate contact with humans with things like being fed and are thus conditioned to enjoy it. ruta_skadi. Remember, you are a product of a very, VERY long and unbroken chain of surviving organisms, stretching back millions of years. WellAckshully. Jan 17, 2024 路 This will make them feel more comfortable and show that you are not threatening. 7. Deep understandings kept mostly under the surface, but acknowledged through timing and body language and mood. If your dog loves hugs, it's likely due to the following reasons: You and your dog have a strong, trusting bond, and your dog understands that you're expressing affection. Reddit's Doctor Who Fan Community - News, Discussion, Artwork and Fan Creations! Hah. 1M subscribers in the NoStupidQuestions community. more specifically, it depends on the dog and who's hugging them. Some awkward women never seem to initiate hugs so I wonder if its generally because they are uncomfortable being hugged like me, or it's because they want a hug but are too shy to initiate it. Hold the hug for a few seconds, then slowly release. From gentle pats to head massages, many dogs love physical contact with their owners. Mar 31, 2020 路 Do Dogs Like Hugs From Humans? While individual dogs vary in temperament (and tolerance), in general, the answer is: no, dogs do not enjoy being hugged. Our lab gets excited when I hug my partner, but barks and gets protective if anybody else (except my mom) hugs me. I am sure people could give stories about their dog that liked hugs but a handful here or there that like it is atypical dog behavior. But sometimes she's in more of a "I need some me time, go away" kind of mood. Apr 25, 2024 路 Showing the whites of the eyes. Experts in dog behavior believe that most dogs do not like hugs. Some people wouldn’t believe that he’d snap at their dogs, and they’d still approach. My threat radar went off. Being a hugger myself, I've learned that I need to ask if a person is OK with 1. Whether your arms are around my neck or waist really depends on our height differential. Like to older dogs who haven't experienced that before, it would feel trapping and constraining to them. Jan 3, 2024 路 Some dogs do enjoy hugs, especially if they have a strong bond with their owner and feel comfortable with physical affection. Dogs interpret hugs as restraint. ”. After all horses don’t have arms so it makes sense that hugging is strange and awkward for them. Mar 21, 2022 路 Do dogs like hugs? No. fluffy-death16. My current dog instigates hugs and adores them when she's in the mood. Hugs are awkward. They understand what affection is but for most dogs, hugs don't fall under that. You should never hug an unfamiliar dog. Splash03. 2. It’s really important to know that if your dog doesn’t like hugs or petting, that’s OK! Dogs are susceptible to anxiety and sensitivity, especially concerning past trauma (or even just old injuries). She will jump so her arms are nesting on my shoulders and nuzzle into my neck, just like two people hugging. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Many animals experience a fondness of cuddling and other forms of care simply because it is part of that bonding process. Mar 27, 2023 路 When dogs “kiss” each other, it is similar to the appeasement behavior when kissing humans. A subreddit for sharing those miniature epiphanies you have that highlight the oddities within the… Now I know why the 12th Doctor didn't like hugs anymore, he sensed the future. I like hugs because it makes you feel warm but with the perfect person. 6% of dogs appeared not to enjoy hugging. Apr 29, 2023 路 Some dogs do like kisses and others feel more comfortable with alternative forms of love and affection. If you're seeing an old buddy after a while, just approach them with your arms open and see if they reciprocate. ago. Reddit's largest humor depository We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It’s especially dangerous when kids hug dogs. Parents, teachers, and the like are welcomed to participate and ask any questions! Nobody wants to be hugged by just anyone, as you say so yourself, and many factors can go into people not liking hugging (Or other types of physical contact) altogether, such as neurological disorders like autism, or trauma related disorders like PTSD. Of course it isnt cool if you hug them to tight or too long. Hugs are life. But if they stiffen up, look away, or show the whites of their eyes, they’re saying they’re not into it. I was confronted about it recently. Most horses don’t like having their neck wrapped around but they might like resting their head on you. Some dogs hate it. Waffle at times loves being hugged. i like other people's dogs, and i like other peoples kids, because that way, i can look at them, i can spend like 15 minutes cooing at them, and then they go home in someone else's car and are not my problem anymore /r/dogs is a place for dog owners of all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience to discuss various topics related to responsible dog ownership. angelllll-licka. Archived post. If you find a path to change her behavior, go for it. my previous dog would tolerate them. •. This is how our ability in reading dog body language will come in handy. I think you can feel safe going for a hug with anyone mid-20's or above that you have a good friendship with. We currently live next door to a yorkie mix who barks for HOURS when left alone and it is freaking unbearable. A subreddit with minimal rules for stuff that makes you go *awww*! Feel free to post pics, gifs, or videos of… Acquire hugs. Some other friends it's a no and it's generally a no if it's from a family member. 253 votes, 483 comments. Full body hugs, where you boobs are pressed into my body are the best. As for family, male family members can give some meaningful hugs at times. While dog kisses are different from ours, their urge to lick is instinctual. I think the idea that dogs don't like hugs applies to dogs who have not been conditioned to like them. Our subreddit is primarily for discussions and memes that an average teenager would enjoy to discuss about. these "studies" that "prove" dogs don't like hugs were conducted by looking at random pictures on google image search of people hugging dogs. It might be universal or a weird physical touch thing with just INFJ's but idk. I find that, if you explain it, any concept really works! People hug because it feels good. 27 dogs responded neutrally, and only 19 woofers seemed comfortable with a hug. The Science of Canine Affection. Feb 23, 2022 路 If dogs receive the type of pets they want at times agreeable to them, says Dr. Hugs are fucking sweet and I'm a damn good hugger. In summary, 81. it depends on the dog. It’s not like I ever touch people when I’m Pretty much any dog/breed can be super snuggly and affectionate, but separation anxiety is no joke. This hug holds for a second or two with a back pat (or a few) if it’s casual or a more firm grasp of it’s emotional. You can, and should, hug your hippo if they’re into that. 29M subscribers in the Showerthoughts community. Honest to God I hope that coronavirus ends up limiting the regularity of greeting people by embracing them because even before quarantine I’ve always fucking hated doing that. Todd, “they’re going to enjoy it much more—and that, in turn, will make them want to be petted more. Few dogs like hugs and kisses. But be observant, and remain honest with yourself. The problem becomes when people hug dogs they don’t know. not exactly scientific research. Our dog "hugs" other dogs and I'm not sure it's okay. 95 votes, 22 comments. I don’t like hugs. Hello r/FamilyMedicine. /r/dogs is a place for dog owners of all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience to discuss various topics related to responsible dog ownership. I also knew a cat that I would cradle like a baby in my arms. When my son said no, the doctor started talking about how perhaps he's not getting the right kind of hugs or that some people just don It depends on a few things for me like who the person is. Its, if I can use this word, pure. A more emotional hug is a more memorable one, and women are better at that aspect for casual hugs most of the time. My dog who isn’t a hugger will lean away if you go in for a hug, my dog who is a hugger will lean in and bury her face in me. Sep 30, 2023 路 In this article, we’ll dive into the science behind canine affection and explore whether or not dogs truly enjoy hugs. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Both seem to accept hugs, more in the way that I've conditioned them to see hugs as not a bad thing. I can't quite word it, but even a handshake feels wrong, touching other humans is weird. A dog can be conditioned to like any number of things. 46M subscribers in the AskReddit community. In these situations, I don't physically feel uncomfortable. She even slept on my bed with me, bless her. Golden Retriever. For some reason when I get really emotional in the morning, very optimistic, or nostalgic. Also as someone else pointed out, the "friendzone" is not a thing. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. That is not how dogs naturally show their affection. Here is an interesting article that is shedding some light on dog myths. The dog I grew up with was not a fan. Well I think due to different emotional energies given off from others this can create awkward or uncomfortable situations since you do not know there true intentions for giving the hug and since they are completely different from how you think. With initiating, it's kind of the same I guess. Generally speaking, I do not like to be hugged or touched. That's probably the best thing to do, because some people will be pleased with lung-crushing pick-up hugs. Most toddlers don’t have a “soft touch” to begin with, and if they make the dog feel trapped the dog might bite. I am not a doctor, but went to one with my 10 year old son today--first time seeing this doctor. 633K subscribers in the doctorwho community. Most avoid being hugged, but most like being petted and scratched. I don't really hug animals anymore but my childhood dog got ALL the love. We do not have any age-restriction in place but do keep in mind this is targeted for users between the ages of 13 to 19. /r/dogs is a place for dog owners of all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience to discuss all topics related to dogs. She seems to enjoy it a lot as she has been doing . In fact, they will feel invaded and uncomfortable. I can happily hug a some people I have just met and be fine, others aren't. Petting is fine, playing fetch is fine, and cuddling on the couch is fine, but squeezing your dog might not be the best option. i like hugs, but i don't like strangers hugging me. i like dogs in the same way i like children: they're better when they belong to other people. Dogs evolved alongside humans as symbiotic partners, and so this affinity for human contact and empathy and some other things that, say, wolves don't have are intrinsic to the species now, just like the vast majority of humans have an affinity for dogs. My spouse and I taught our dog to hug us - that is, when we sit on the floor, she will put her paws around our neck, lean onto us and rest her head on our shoulder while we gently embrace her and give her a kiss on the cheek. 8% of the dogs seemed to enjoy the cuddle. Take cues from your dog. my current dog seems to like them. We do technically need hugs yes. Dogs like getting patted in the head but humans don't, and let's say someone like your spouse patted you on the head. But I absolutely despise when random people I’ve never seen in my life try to hug me. Make sure not to squeeze too tight. Ask away! Some do, some don’t. No one should force you do that if you won't let them. A woman I'm acquainted with asked why I don't like being hugged (while hugging me) and then without really waiting for my answer informed me that she was going to break me from that habit/feeling. Keep in mind, however, that sometimes a dog may be in the mood for a hug and other times may not want to be bothered. I do not like being touched by acquaintances. But it seems like my pooch actually wants to be hugged! She gets in this playfully needy mood sometimes where she just wants to shove We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Maybe it’s why I’m such an asshole all the time馃槶 I like hugs but only from people I love. 1. We sort of rub necks/cheeks with a light hug, and it seems like my dog taught me that more than the other way around. a hug in general and 2. I've given them as a form of aftercare after sex while they come down from an intense orgasm, and I've also give the one arm around the should hug to coworkers I'm friendly with who made it clear that was something they wanted. I hug her as soon as I see her and give her another hug and a raspberry on her cheek every time I leave, which is pretty much every day. Remember, your dog is a party in your May 16, 2024 路 Humans view the act of hugging as a sign of affection. i know people who love hugs from anyone. The great thing is, there are many ways you can show your dog affection. Literally last night, my Aunt kept hugging me. qi ha la mu cv eb tp gw gi ip