Daycare biting reddit. he has been attending daycare since he was 4 months.

Worked on him and he understood that biting is not the best way to show emotions. Unless it happens at such a frequency and there is significant damage, a child biting at 1 and a half is not getting kicked out of school. They also create personalized social stories for the kids who have issues. Every single day I get told that she was biting and hair pulling all day. because they or a future sibling may become a biter. We were able to eliminate the behavior at home and he overall stopped biting until recently and at daycare only. Biting is completely normal, a 2yo isn't going to change their behavior because of a talk at home, and it is the job of a daycare to professionally manage it. Five times in two months is absolutely not normal. The first day was 'an unprovoked attack' I was told. Hi there! I’m hoping I can get some advice from all of you amazing folks. It was a rough week. Recently, my son has been dealing with an external ear infection, a small perforation in his ear drum, and two incoming molars. Just prefacing by first saying my toddler is the biter, not the bitten (well mostly not the bitten). It’s normal. There is one kid there that keeps biting the other kids and it always seems mine it the victim. 1 more and he'll be sent home for 3 days, after that expelled. Some things that we tried that helped us was: 1. My LO (22 months) keeps biting other kids at daycare when she's upset (maybe 50% of the days she's there). e. The daycare teachers are responsible for teaching all the children appropriate social behaviour - including your child. This probably helped the most at home when his brother was the typical victim. Posted by u/megan_dd - 2 votes and 7 comments Our son turns 3 this month and he's biting 2 times/day multiple days per week, this started about 2 months ago. The dentist said that may cause him to So this week at daycare, a short week only 2 days due to public holidays, my son was bitten twice. My 18 mo transitioned… Biting happens for a myriad of reasons: The biting child may be defending his space or play materials; He/she may be overstimulated by the environment or number of children and will bite to relieve tension and frustration; The child may be in need of attention and will seek even negative reactions for the attention; We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ) 2. The first incident literally happened the day he had his dental check-up (3/1/21) and we were informed that his back molars were coming in. While looking for books on teaching a child to deal with being bullied I came across a lot of books on teaching children not to be bullies (even accidentally which is usually the case at this age). Children get bitten. My son is 2. When my son got a bite in, all the sympathy and attention went to the victim, and everyone physically removed / walked away from the biter. This was due to him biting and being aggressive with other children in the room. The next day was a more both sides in the wrong. I too understand the hardship of parents however I can assure you the feelings you have about your child biting and hurting another child far surpass the feelings of the victim. I sorry. Typically she gets mad if another kid wants what she has and vice versa. My toddler keeps biting other kids at daycare and we don’t know how to get her to stop. He hasn't bitten once this week. They insisted that this is temporary, but every time I ask for a return date, or a plan or timeline, they refuse to give me one. Teachers will work with the parents of the biter to see what their triggers are and try to redirect them. Sometimes it’s when she wants a toy, other times it’s unprovoked. For us, finding the source of the issue and helping our daycare be proactive was the best. The parents of the other child will probably be told about won’t happen but they won’t know the name of your child so don’t expect an apology. This is more than a child biting out of excitement or frustration. https://extension. However, yesterday there was an incident where our pup attacked another dog. edu/programs/betterkidcare/early-care/tip-pages/all/biting. He’s a serial biter but only at daycare, almost never around us. She loves being there, the handlers love her and we trust them. The first place was a very small home daycare. If not, that would be my first recommendation. Maybe the provider and parents can work on communicating and sharing at home and at daycare. If that doesn’t work for you, something else will. Our daycare went through this and they: increased teacher ratio while the child developed other strategies had sensory toys in place for the child including a biting necklace teachers were vigilant about supervision and stopping incidents before they happened Reddit has abandoned the users, the moderators, and countless people who support an ecosystem built on Reddit itself. About a month ago we had to change daycares because my 21 month old was biting excessively. every day for the last week and a half my son (2. I felt so bad. Get attention of your son, and say biting hurts, and teach that he should apologize. There’s no ‘victim blaming’. Period. Child biting in daycare - please help. Regarding classroom management, it has only started since the room leader changed after Christmas, and the number of kids in the room grew from 15 to 20 (though no more than 18 per day). But it is totally normal and universal and a phase they go through. ) Playing up the victim. Reddit has abandoned the users, the moderators, and countless people who support an ecosystem built on Reddit itself. At first they were keeping a teether clipped to her so she could chew on that. Daycare has notified us each time it has happened and they are separating the two going forward. This biting seems developmentally appropriate. They made one for my daughter for what to do if someone bites her because it was happening so often she was anxious at school (NOT that she’s perfect, she New policy: After 3 biting incidents, the child is excluded from school for two weeks (no tuition is charged). He moved classes at daycare and suddenly has picked up pinching and biting. Daycare writes an incident report for each; they deal with parents who are very upset that their child got bit each and every time. He’s also potty training. Both usually blame the daycare workers to some extent. daycare’s policy seems to be: tell parents when it happens, if it’s happening a lot assign a teacher to “shadow” the biter, and send the kid home if there are 2-3 bites in a day. Last week was his first week at the new center and we had a total of 3 biting incidents and a shoving incident at the top of the slide. The workers didn't even call! We started a suit against the daycare because they knew this child was a problem with hitting and biting and ignored repeated requests to move either child to a different class. 2 times his first day, which bruised. Things were a bit stressful last week and that may have rubbed off on him, but this week has been pretty chill at home. ago • Edited 8 yr. Nothing will stop your child from biting, nothing but time. Take a toy from him, and encourage him to say (not yell) something to get it back. My kid, little boy at 2 1/2 years old, JUST got kicked out of one of his classes bc of biting. He also sometimes shares an area with all of the kids at the daycare from <0 to ~4. unclegrassass. The biter in my kid’s class had recurring ear infections that led to them biting (to pop the ears). I'm not sure what to do about it because if I could sit with him all day I wouldn't need daycare and their staff aren't allowed to raise their voices or discipline in any way. They said they would talk with the parents. He has been in a daycare setting since he was 10 months old and at his current daycare center for about 5 months. I have tried everything I can think of. My 16 month old DS started daycare last month during the week of my first business trip away of his life. This is when he first started biting which was also at home. Obviously we, and the daycare are concerned and want to keep everyone safe and stop them from biting. They may also put in an aide temporarily to watch the child more closely. It really should be up to THEM to do the discipline. Since it’s a normal part of being 2, your child needs guidance not discipline. She went through a biting phase in the one year class, but that had subsided. He was on the slide outdoors wanting to climb up when most of these occurrences happened. Add a Comment. now he is full time in a full room of 18 months and biting at daycare. We’ve tried sending her with a teething necklace, or even a pacifier to help prevent the urge, but she just takes the necklace off and she Talk to your son about not taking toys but so long after the incident he probably won’t make the connection because he is 3yo. My kid was a biter, got kicked out of the daycare twice. My son got sent home from daycare one day actually. 4. You don't know who your child bit, or who bit your child, you just get the facts. He has been suspended twice now and if he bites one more time he will be kicked out of the daycare. My kid sometimes shares an area with kids that are older and bigger (3-4, at a guess). My 3. Two of which were totally unprovoked. Just encourage “gentle” touch, at home and showing how biting hurts by doing sad faces if it occurs. I've asked several people about it and I have gotten mixed opinions, but a few… Take them to the pediatrician and rule out ear issues. We have tried everything we could think of to help, something to the bite, time out, telling her it hurts people, offering her something to eat, everything. my 13month old boy is being kicked out of his current daycare for biting everyday. Biting is developmental - like crying, tantrums, toilet training, sleeping through, walking, talking. ) We watched a "biting hurts" video every morning before daycare to help reinforced 3. Generally, bites are very superficial. Biting is fairly normal in this age group because they lack the skills to communicate verbally. He was even biting me and my husband. 5 year old biting at day care Ok so this is a rather recent development. This last week they have started fighting over toys. Sounds like you've been meeting with your child's daycare about the issue, and I'm guessing they probably already told you to speak with your pediatrician. 3. And a pet sitter with a couple dogs that run and go on long hikes and adventures is perfect for a high energy dog. Biting at daycare Rant/Vent So we just moved to a new state and finally got our son enrolled in day care. Either the parent’s kid is biting or being bitten. So a little back story, when my son started this daycare he was bit almost everyday for 2-3 I have a 2 year old who recently started biting in daycare. My son is absolutely the sweetest little person at home with us, playful, really really smart and verbal for his age and always looking for new challenges, but at daycare is seeming to have some behavior issues - biting, Biting at daycare- just ranting. Please read Call to action - renewed protests starting on July 1st and new posts at r/ModCord or r/Save3rdPartyApps for up-to-date information. The teacher and you sign off on the incident so you have a record that it was reviewed with you. The frequency of the posts prove that. Today I went in and yet another biting incident and now they want to set up a meeting. Biting is normal. ) We read "no biting" every morning before daycare. She said they just moved my girl into her room so she didn't see it but wanted to call it out. Last week, the daycare provider said he bit a kid (they kick out biters). So my 18 month old boy has been teething for so long. However, a bite that is bad enough to break skin and leave a scar is a bigger issue. •. My daughter, 20months, started in a toddler room 3 weeks ago now. Biting is normal only in that children do tend to go through a phase. Both are upset. Took about a week before she stopped biting after the first reprimand. (Given that these are normal, superficial bites. Daycare Question I picked up my 15 month old from daycare last Thursday and one of the workers mentioned a little bruise you could see under her sleeve. he's only been 3 days, and everyday we've gone in to pick him up I've been informed he's been bitten. My advice: when he bites you or your husband, give a firm no and act hurt. The fact that your child has had at least 5 bites you know of, is absolutely not normal, and is lazy supervision. 5 years old and has been in daycare since the end of January 2021. The child then turned around and put his finger in my sons mouth. If they can't manage it, they're not a good daycare for ANY kid because it suggests they have no capacity to deal with challenging but normal behaviors. Hubby and I can’t agree on if this is ok play during daycare. It's just how they are at this age. They thought maybe he was bored and he was bigger than all of the children so they moved him to a bigger class. After one more biting incident, the parent is required to engage with a behavioral therapist within 30 days. At 2, the problem should be addressed right there and then, not later. And of course he needs to relieve himself somehow. Bitten 4 Times at Daycare. 5 but never bit, now that he's in a group setting with 10+ kids I think he's getting overstimulated in some way/kids are getting in his personal space so he bites. AudgieD. It’s been four days in a row now going back to last week (and a week before that, it was every day). We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. A week ago my 20 month old was kicked out of daycare for biting. She never did that to anyone else but me, and even then it was only when she was very frustrated, even at play dates or parks, but I understand that that environment is different than all day with 13 other kids. My son is 18 months and has been biting at daycare off and on since June. my son would get upset if he knew he hurt us. It is the job of the teachers to figure out why the child is biting, to shadow her to both identify triggers, and intervene to protect others, and offer appropriate alternative behaviors. I have had her evaluated and going through the process. Normally they grow out of it as they develop other ways to communicate. When he was around 10-12 months he had some biting incidents but he was also teething. Please be kind…we love our daycare! It took us months to get in and we have all been very happy there. Within 4-6 months all biting pretty much stopped. (I think that is what it was called). My 2 year old attends a very part-time daycare (five hours a day, three days a week), and he just started about 4 weeks ago. My 27 month old son goes to a Montessori daycare 5x a week and he loooooves it, loves his friends and teachers. Once each day. Support. This is the first time he even had any incidents with biting, but it was enough to have him removed. he has been attending daycare since he was 4 months. 5 year toddler who is biting random children at daycare, without any direct reason (i. That being said, as a daycare worker, yes your situation is also normal. "(other girl) bit me. Biting is very common and is not indicative of any greater issue. Over the last month and a half, he has started biting incessantly at Daycare. At our daycare, as a parent, you get an incident report that outlines what happened as well as how it was dealt with. They bite. They are black and blue; you see teeth impressions; they last for weeks. The reason: adequate supervision and clear boundaries. She has excellent language and vocabulary for her age, but doesn't use verbal language when upset (normal, I know). He is only attending part time right now because I’m currently on maternity leave with a baby at home, but go back to work soon and he will need full time care. Since she was born in January, she was put into a room with other 3 year olds, but she is one of the older kids in the class (they do the age as of August 1st. 75 years lol) has bit a kid in his class every day. The area where we had never had issues was with other dogs. She’s bitten 3 different kids in 3 days. I can’t imagine how much pain he’s in but it’s now carrying over to daycare. Well he has now bitten 3 more times and has been in the class for 3 days total now. The daycare have offered some solutions, but I was wondering if there is anything we can do as his parents to help him at home. Before you put too much pressure on daycare, think about what you would want if your kids are the biter. I’m sure some of it is for the sensation of biting (what with teething and having a cold, I can imagine biting a squishy toddler’s arm would be pretty nice). It should stop by three. Also during teething of first molars. Biting at daycare sucks (my kiddo was a kid’s chew toy for a bit too) but it’s fairly normal. They grow out of it. He goes to a daycare which has had some issues with staffing and fluctuations in the number of kids attending. The other little girl is biting my daughter to get the toy from her. This is during doggy daycare. Any which way if your kid is biting inappropriately your first step should be your pediatrician. My son is 3 years and 2 months old. Teach to share. She seems to bite someone at least twice a week. He transferred from another group, where it was a major issue, and since hes been here, around 5 weeks we've seen maijor improvements. Kinda understandable, nobody likes having their toys snatched away. She is delayed in speech and I am waiting for her speech therapy to start. A good daycare should be able to minimize biting. Then she will bite them. 24 votes, 18 comments. I don’t know what to do. We read him the books every night, get him to repeat the sacred mantra “teeth are not for biting” multiple times a day, role play 18 months and biting at daycare My son is 18 months and has been biting at daycare off and on since June. But after a month or so the biting behaviors started again. Daycare says when she wants a toy or a kid to get out of her face she takes both hands and grabs their hair. How it feels when your toddler literally won’t stop biting other kids at daycare. My son is on his 2nd strike for biting kids at daycare. The teachers in his classroom repeatedly told us how well he was adjusting to the program (he was there less than 6 months), which turned out to be a load of crap because we later found out that he had been isolated from all the other kids because of biting. But this may be my overreaction to the situation as I think they could be doing more and keeping me better informed (I wasn’t aware they had moved him into the toddler room The fact that your dog bit a staff member at the daycare is a red flag. Sad. Like my title says, my 2 year old toddler is biting at daycare but he will not bite at home. Recently, my 15 month old has been "suspended" from his daycare. I would never bring my dog to one. Also, when his aunt stopped being a caregiver to go back to her home country. My sweet little boy recently turned 3 about 2 weeks ago. Whenever he wants a toy or is slighted by a kid in any way, he’s starting to bite. At one point, we got 3 reports in one week for biting from the same kid. I’ve talked to the daycare teacher about the biting. What ended up working was saying “oh no” or “uh uh” really quietly, standing up and turning around, crossed arms. She socialises beautifully. We are working very hard at home to tackle biting. Biting is extremely common for toddlers, but 2yo is starting to get a little old for biting. He was taken care of by a nanny at home until he was 2. They keep saying I need to followup with There are no ‘victims’ here. She was bitten by a kid who was a bit less verbal in June and has been biting other kids 1x a month since then. I currently have an issue with my 20 months old daycare. Some kids do it more than others. Toddlers don’t understand personal space, but they also don’t understand biting hurts. Just listen to the daycare’s recommendations for class (aka moving up etc), and try not to lose too much sleep . My daughter showed me her bite marks when her mom brought her home from daycare. taking their toy or fighting). he started biting at the previous daycare around 8 months but sometimes he would be the only child in the classroom (it was a small daycare) and he also only went part time. Daycare has been monitoring to identify any precursors to the behavior. Posted by u/beefsiym - 2 votes and 10 comments The kinds of bruises a biting toddler can leave on other toddlers are scary. He was bit because he stuck his finger in a childs mouth. When he started biting over the summer we transitioned him to the 1 year old Our daycare uses the “Dinos Don’t Bite/Hit” and “Teeth Are Not For Biting” books for that age group. he has been at the daycare for almost 3 months. It very well could just be a phase. We just had a meeting this morning with the school because my child has bitten other children 4 times since starting (and has tried to bite another 5 or so times). A kid biting at least 3x a week (that you not biting the same classmate, different classmates every day no specific time of day to the biting has bitten while sitting on the carpet, playing at the play kitchen, at the art table does not break skin biting others on the upper arm or forearm My son goes to a large daycare with 15 children per class and 8 classrooms in total. Any ideas? It used to be that my kid bit when another child took his toy. 5 year old biting in daycare. They almost certainly will still happen occasionally, that is just part of daycare. Her favourites place was daycare and we have never had any concerns with her being there. I’ve talked to the teachers and they are stating he is the only child biting. So much can go wrong at a daycare. The daycare teachers do a good job of… Reddit has abandoned the users, the moderators, and countless people who support an ecosystem built on Reddit itself. It is normal, as in it happens at tons of places. 5 year old started daycare in February. We have a healthy and active 2. My daughter is 18 months old and I am constantly getting reports from Daycare about her biting her friends. My hub and I have a home daycare, and we have a biter, who has stopped biting. That's totally inappropriate and honestly just rude. Since mid-July my son (28 months) has been at daycare two days a week. At least if the parents care to do anything about it (regardless of their child being biter or bite-ee). Or play with a toy he wants and don’t give it to him until he asks nicely, or ‘waits for a turn’. He goes just for socialization to play with other kids his age, the rest of the week my mom watches him. ADMIN MOD. 2 year old biting at daycare, we were ‘suspended’ - advice needed. Toddler removed from daycare. Biting is still developmentally appropriate for two year olds. We took our librarian’s recommendation and read him a book about Dont Bite Louise. Apparently he was walking past the climbing thing and another kid tackled him and bit him on the head. Advice. Over excitement is often anxiety in a dog. Biting is a normal toddler behavior. For example, they should be aware of the times and situations where kids are more likely to bite and monitor play more closely so they can intervene. And redirect to a different activity. We used that book and worked with daycare to tackle my daughter's biting when she was a similar age to yours and it worked. Confession: My 15-month old is biting at daycare and I am horrified. Cross posting because I just need to hear it all right now. Our GSD is a 6 month old getting bit in this picture by the husky. This seems extreme and not developmentally appropriate, but maybe this is just my ignorance talking. Usually when there is biting going on it's because the kids don't know how to communicate what they are feeling. Sometimes your child is the biter, and sometimes the bitee. Daycare is constantly telling us our 18 month old needs to be reminded to be "gentle" and to not bite. Please don't assume they are being careless, we have feelings too and I was upset every time a child was bitten. • 8 yr. He’s also learning now that you are his partner who will help him through hard times (I’m certainly not saying boundaries and consequence are not incredibly important for toddlers…they are! So I put in my two weeks notice and he was kicked out after the first week passes after a hitting incident. So far he has been bitten four times, twice on fingers, once on arm l, and just this morning on his chin. Also, the carers thought it could be because he was having toys taken off of him, however today he bit another child seemingly unprovoked. He knew all the words after a few weeks. once the second day, that they must've caught early, and today again on his back. You can role play similar daycare scenarios at home and teach him the words to use with you. Then we found a larger preschool type center, at first it was a great fit. That said, your daycare should take your concerns seriously, offer sympathy and take steps to reduce bites where possible. ago. . Then we wait 20 seconds and go back to playing. The second daycare we went to had a very strict policy that if your child was a biter they would not be allowed back after the second offense. Toddler biting at daycare. If she’s still biting after 3 times, we quietly take her to the crate and very calmly put her in to rest. Our 18-month old has had an incident report almost every day for the last week or so for biting another child. That same week we also welcomed a new baby, but my son absolutely adores his baby sister - we haven’t seen any jealousy or acting out at home. His current class is a ratio of 1:10 with 20 students and they try to keep 3 teachers in there as often as possible, but there Where did your kids go to school. This resulted in 2 incident reports for biting lol. Basically the administrator gave us an ultimatum that if he didn’t immediately stop biting after a week of half days, he would have to be kicked o it for a month minimum before he could go back, which clearly is unrealistic for a toddler. Biting, but only at daycare. While the biting hasn’t impacted her behaviour, and she isn’t mirroring this behaviour herself, I do worry that she will eventually become fearful of going to daycare. However, it isn't developmentally-appropriate. TLDR: my 20 month old toddler just got suspended from daycare because he was biting his friends too much and they're saying it's because he likes the feeling of biting into the soft flesh of his buddies. Advice needed (Anyone can comment) Our kiddo moved into the two year olds class a Month ago. It sucks on either side of it. Toddler 1-3 Years. I have had kids go to nursery school and day care in multiple countries and kids at the age of OPs kid bites or gets bit in every school in the entire world. The time out seems to help but his daycare doesn’t “believe in discipline for developmentally appropriate Posted by u/aliomali - 4 votes and 9 comments Being on parenting subreddits, biting is literally every second post. Hello, I wanted to bring up the above topic and if anyone else is or has experienced this situation in the past. psu. Rant. " I highly recommend the book The Biting Solution which outlines many of the developmental drivers for biting and their solutions with a focus on childcare settings. I have no idea what is triggering all the attempts, but some in the past have been kids getting too close to her. It’s a hard phase. My son WAS kicked out of his daycare for biting, but unfortunately we were not even warned. It’s been an all around great experience. Well, my kid is the biter. Reply reply. 2. Daycare provider says she’s gonna have to terminate if this does not improve. He did it when he was happy, when he was mad. The few times he’s done it around us, we do a brief time out and then read the infamous book to him. md mg xf gc fo nw av tc qh yt