
Awaiting editor decision scholarone reddit. Do not send the manuscript to the Editorial Office or EiC.

The status of the paper changed several times. Also known as with editors (APS), review completed, required reviews completed (Elsevier Editorial System (EES)), awaiting AE recommendation, awaiting decision (ScholarOne), awaiting EiC decision (IEEE), Editor Decision Started (AIP), Decision Started (NPG). The manuscript is sent to the reviewers who evaluate its strengths and. After that, it took three weeks for ‘Awaiting reviewer scores. after verification by the editor the status is changed (Awaiting Reviewer Sep 15, 2021 · The status "Awaiting Referee Report" implies that the reviewers are already assigned and review work is in-progress. Oct 18, 2023 · 1. If the Feb 15, 2021 · I had submitted an article using the ScholarOne manuscript system. Log in to the website and go to the ‘Associate Editor Centre’. The journal's webpage usually has an expected time frame, I think it 3-6 weeks is normal for the editor's decision at passing an article onto peer review or desk-rejecting it. There are several decisions that authors may receive after submitting their paper to one of the Society’s journals: Reject without review:The Action Editor has rejected the paper without sending it for peer review. 12. 1. The decision letter is delivered to the author via email. Your account on the journal’s ScholarOne Manuscripts site may be created in one of two ways. Once the completed reviews come in, the Associate Editor (AE) evaluates them and gives his recommendation to the EiC. Quality and efficiency in reviewing is essential to the success of TOSEM. Apr 12, 2016 · Dear Editage Insights team, I submitted my article 3 months ago to a journal. If you want to know the exact status, email the editorial assistant or contact. Hope this can be a warning to those who are using or will use ScholarOne. 2. I submitted a manuscript in late August, and the article's status hasn't changed from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" in the last four weeks. What does this status mean? Should I write to the editor? Hi everyone. FSV Mainz 05 Online | Arminia Bielefeld vs 1. The next most likely result is a revise decision because something's wrong with your submission, e. How long does this phase generally take? How long should one wait before reaching out to the administrator? Thanks for the advice in advance. 6. So, now it's in the normal process of the Editor assessing the reviews. "Awaiting EIC decision" means that the journal is waiting on a decision by the "Editor in Chief". Oct 24, 2018 · I just submitted a revised paper to ScholarOne (major revision). after verification by the editor the status is changed (Awaiting Reviewer Scores), then after a month and a half, the status is changed again (Awaiting decision I had a paper that was 6 months from initial submission to first reviews, and then 7 months after revisions to second round reviews/accept and then another 8 months from my final version to proofs. The status, "Awaiting Reviewer Selection" indicates that the preliminary checks have been completed and that the manuscript is now ready to be sent to the select reviewers Dear Bilal Ahmad The status 'Awaiting AE Recommendation' means that, based on the peer reviewer (or technical editor review, in this case), the AE is making a decision on the paper. Popular Articles. For a major revision typically the article will be sent through the review process again. This may be followed by a short stage denoted Feb 18, 2022 · First Steps. ” A week after my submission, the status became “Awaiting Final Decision. However, we have explained the statuses below: Awaiting Second Opinion: This means that the associate Editor (AE) has had a look at your manuscript and has made a tentative decision on it. And for two months it's been on 'awaiting admin…. Now for the last 12 days its status is "awaiting recommendations". Reject:The paper has been through the peer review process and I'm the managing editor for an open-source, peer-reviewed journal in the Humanities and since Covid, it's been increasingly difficult to get reviews turned in on a timely fashion. However, after a few days, I got a desk reject notification. After one day of submission, status was ‘Awaiting Decision’; but now after 10 days, status change into ‘Awaiting reviewer selection’. Once accepted, some journals have a set of tasks that a manuscript goes We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I submitted a paper, and it took 10 days to be assigned editors and reviewers. To get a second opinion, they have referred the manuscript both to the ME and to the peer reviewers. ‘awaiting editor-in-chief decision’ section on ScholarOne. Jul 30, 2021 · 3. I'm aware of the typical workflow of a journal. Modified on: Mon, 24 Jun, 2024 at 11:40 AM. FSV Mainz 05 Stream Link 5 Cakewalk P606 Software Jan 21, 2020 · I recently submitted a manuscript to a reputed computer science (CS) journal that follows the ScholarOne workflow system. Two days later, it changed to “EO: XX Status is Under Review. To check the status of your submission in our system, log into your ScholarOne Manuscripts account, and click on “Author. After one round of revision, needed by the reviewers, associate editor (AE), and Editor-in-Chief (EIC), the Awaiting EIC Decision has changed to Awaiting ED Final Processing. I had submitted a manuscript in Scholarone system. Mar 4, 2021 · I submitted a manuscript to ScholarOne about 10 weeks ago. Also, ‘SAE’ perhaps stands for ‘Specialist Associate Editor. The topic of the paper is somewhat related to another paper that I submitted, has undergone review, and now is with the editor awaiting decision. This journal only has one editor (with a grad student working as a managing editor). Description. A main document file with abstract, keywords, main text and references, which should be kept anonymous if the journal you are submitting to uses double-anonymous peer review. It has been 1. " This status has not been changed for a month. Reddit. • The Manuscript Information tab contains all information provided by the authors, including manuscript keywords, author affiliations, and linked manuscripts. Nov 4, 2020 · Hello Eisa – Welcome to the forum. Humanities. ) We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. If so, it seems to have gone from this decision to awaiting a decision by the Editor-in-Chief (EiC). 5. The reviews came back fairly quickly, and for the past 4-5 weeks the paper is showing that it is awaiting the final decision. Sep 10, 2020 · Q: How long should the 'Awaiting EIC Decision' last before a final decision? Detailed Question -. As described in the peer review and decision process, after the admin checklist or AE assignment stage, a manuscript may be forwarded to the EiC to determine if peer review is necessary. However, I just noticed that the status of my revised manuscript 4 days ago · This manuscript status means that the Academic Editor is assessing the peer review process. , "Awaiting AE decision". At first, the status showed "awaiting AE recommendation". . ’ May 1, 2021 · 1 Answer to this question. ’ After that, it has been ‘Under Review’ for eight weeks. It may take longer than expected if the Academic Editor has a particularly high workload. As many of the answers 3) The role-name of the person at the journal responsible for the Production Coordinator Centre in ScholarOne Manuscripts varies between journals. The manuscript status was first displayed as ‘Awaiting Admin Processing. If this is the case, then the editor might refer the manuscript to another editor/editorial board of the journal for a final decision regarding the submission. Two days ago, status of my manuscript changed from awaiting refree scores to awaiting AE decision but now again it has changed to awaiting refree Oct 9, 2020 · I had sent an article to an SCIE journal using the ScholarOne manuscript system. Now back to "Awaiting Reviewer Scores". Generally, 2-3 peer reviewers are assigned to a paper. I submitted the revision almost 2 months back. Where is it? Every submission must be manually processed in ScholarOne by an administrator who assigns it to the Lead Volume Editor. To check the status of your submission in o ScholarOne to complete an initial assessment of the submission to see if it is suitable to be sent for peer review. Do not send the manuscript to the Editorial Office or EiC. Upload the final files to ScholarOne by clicking on “Awaiting final files” and then “submit Jul 11, 2017 · Hi everyone, I am a bit confused and wanted to bug you about something. Account Setup and Maintenance. All Answers (5) Ans Al Rashid. There are three basic types of decisions: Accept, Revise, and Reject. Awaiting AE Assignment. The EiC gives the final verdict based on the AE's recommendation. I have an article I submitted to a journal a little over 2 months ago. As Associate Editor (AE), you are responsible for reading the submission, assigning reviewers, evaluating the reviews, and ultimately making a recommendation for the acceptance or rejection of the paper. This is not likely to be an Peer reviewers are given 2 weeks to submit their review of your article. As you already seem to know, the Awaiting Decision status means that the AE has made a decision on the manuscript and referred this decision to the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) for the final decision. Then, the other reviewers submitted their reviews and the Editor decided to go with these reviews only. Oct 8, 2015 · AE stands for Associate Editor. For every author, the time from a manuscript’s submission to final decision is perhaps the most nerve-wracking experience. ANATOMY OF A MANUSCRIPT. 5 months with no change in status. co. Mar 13, 2020 · What these statuses could mean is that the AE has had a look at your manuscript and has made a tentative decision on it. I submitted a manuscript to a Sage Journal almost 50 days ago. Mar 6, 2019 · A third possibility is that the editor could not find suitable peer reviewers for your paper, and is, therefore, evaluating the manuscript to decide the next step. Unfortunately I looked Nov 2, 2020 · Status stuck at Awaiting Editor Assignment. Nov 19, 2020 · I submitted an article to a ScholarOne journal. These stages tend to be moved through fairly swiftly as they are just the editorial team checking that your submission is suitable for Explore the Zhihu Column for a platform that allows you to write freely and express yourself without limitations. Your article has now received the minimum number of reviews required to make a decision. Since the reviews have come in, the AE should ideally not take Feb 9, 2020 · ‘Awaiting Editorial Office Processing’ means that the manuscript was awaiting an Editorial Office (EO) or Associate Editor (AE) check for aspects such as adherence to guidelines, match with the journal’s scope, and novelty of the study. Comment. Source: was editorial assistant/managed our ScholarOne portal. I was thrilled because I thought that might mean I'll get an answer quite soon. The editor in chief may not just 'accept' or 'reject' the manuscript. After one week, I wrote to the Managing Editor enquiring about the status of my article, and he told me that he had received the needed reviews, and he is only waiting for the word of the Editor-in-Chief before he communicates the final Recommendation can also be "get reviewer to clarify" so it goes back to the review cycle. For most manuscripts, in the To submit your manuscript, you need the following files: Your manuscript (including a title page with the names of all authors and co-authors). This seems like a long time to wait for the editorial decision. The editor-in-chief will then need to approve the guest editor’s recommendation and send the final decision email to the author. Please note that the following definitions generally apply to most journals. I am not Awaiting reviewer invitation for 6 weeks after submitting revision. ”. Of course they are similar for obvious reasons, but are chosen by editors, not by the website. 査読者の選出待ち. Prepare the final files according to the guidelines specified in the decision letter. As you've mentioned, you have addressed the previous reviewer's concerns, so the EIC may suggest moving the manuscript to peer Aug 19, 2021 · Thank you for your question. On the occasion that a reviewer withdraws from the process, the Editorial Team will begin the reviewer selection process again. g. 4. Now, it is almost a month since the status changed to ‘Awaiting EIC Decision. Most recent answer. Awaiting Reviewer Selection. e. Award. Modified on Mon, 24 Jun at 11:40 AM. After peer review, the editor will consider feedback from the reviewers and then make a decision about the article. Sep 12, 2021 · Recently, I learnt that the submission can also be done through the Taylor & Francis website, and there when the paper returns from review it shows decision pending (waiting for editorial decision), while in the Scholar One system it shows under review. Seems like at least one new reviewer is needed. I will disagree. What does this mean? Was the manuscript reviewed? I think the status should have changed to something like Awaiting Reviewer Scores before Awaiting EIC Decision. To open individual files, click on the Manuscript Files tab. The online status was “Not Assigned” at the beginning. When you submit your paper to a journal, after the initial/basic administration check (for ‘hygiene factors’ such as adherence to journal guidelines), the manuscript goes to the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) for an assessment of the novelty and quality of the research/paper and, in some cases, even a match with Admin Dashboard (管理者ダッシュボード)に表示される査読プロセス中の論文ステータスは以下の通りです。. And from the past few days, I see it as "Awaiting AE recommendation". It means the editor is making a decision without inviting reviewers. Later, it has been under "Awaiting review scores" for the past 25 days. Jan 25, 2017 · Best guess: reviews came in after all this time but were inconclusive, and "editor assigned" is the default state when needing to get more reviews and no reviewer has actually been assigned. Jun 9, 2021 · The paper was accepted with minor revision (two reviewers both recommended 'minor revision'). I suppose that in most cases of minor revision, the revised manuscript will only be reviewed by the ADM or associate editor. The label and the steps of the various "status" you read on scholarone manuscript are journal-specific. academicjournalpublishing. ’. 'Awaiting decision' means the required reviews to make a decision were completed. What does this status change mean? Should I consider this an 'accept'? Thank you in advance. Sorry! nothing found for. 10 years ago # QUOTE 0 Good 0 No Giod ! Economist. The Awaiting CE/Reviewer Scores status also means that the AE has assigned the basic number of peer reviewers required for FYI this is my first time ever submitting a manuscript so hopefully next time I'll be more prepared and submit earlier. com/t-its and follow the Nov 2, 2020 · Status stuck at Awaiting Editor Assignment. Then in 3 weeks it was "awaiting reviewer reports" and yesterday finally "awaiting editorial decision". At times, the changes may be initiated by the platform itself. Initially your manuscript will go through stages such as “Awaiting Admin Checklist” and/or “Awaiting Editor Assignment” depending on how new submissions are initially checked on the journal. ’ After a week, it changed to ‘Awaiting Editor Assignment. I thought I had by the end of that date to hit the submission button. uk has a great post or two about why review can take so long. ’ Just a few hours later, another ADM was assigned, but the status is the same. I'm curious if we are still waiting for reviewers to accept the review of the manuscript, like Awaiting Reviewer Invitation, or it's different, and the reviewing Apr 23, 2020 · Because ‘Awaiting Reviewer Selection’ means that the manuscript passed the admin and/or Associate Editor (AE) check and was awaiting peer review. Decision notification e-mails and what they mean. To assign manuscripts to issue: click on ‘View/Edit Lineup’ (see step 3). 管理者による論文チェック待ち. An author says they have submitted a manuscript, but I don’t see it in my editor center. Dec 19, 2020 · Answer: Manuscript statuses differ according to journals as also the way they customize a submission platform (such as ScholarOne) as per their workflow. But until now, 5/17, the status are still "awaiting decision". On 4/26, the status on ScholarOne changed to awaiting decision. Associate Editor の指名待ち. With a typical ScholarOne configuration, "Awaiting Reviewer Scores" means that it is actually out with (at least some) reviewers, while "Under Review" would instead mean the previous stage, where it is being considered by the handling editor(s) and might still be rejected without review. Mar 25, 2016 · 1 Answer to this question. Sep 14, 2020 · When the reviewers’ comments have been received, the Action Editor will make a decision, taking into account their recommendations, and you will be notified of the decision by e-mail. I submitted my manuscript via ScholarOne and within 2 days my status went from "editor assigned" to "under review". ' However, I'm wondering that [the] ED, who is in charge of the editing team, has assigned [this status], but the GE hasn't assigned yet. Reply. A: It is TMI’s policy to only consider manuscripts submitted via ScholarOne Manuscripts. I'm already exploiting free labor and I'm at their mercy, and I've even had to start the review process over from scratch on a couple submissions, dragging the Most universities are on holiday break now and begin teaching in a couple of weeks. Awaiting Admin Checklist. Now the handling editor assigned to your manuscript will go through the I submitted a manuscript to a journal using scholarone manuscript system, and later got a decision of major revision. But my question is as below Sep 15, 2020 · Quick change to Awaiting Decision. I submitted a manuscript that went through the entire peer review process. Last week, I submitted another manuscript to journal B also via ScholarOne and its status immediately went to "under review". After a week of submission, the status changed to "awaiting reviewer selections". Feb 17, 2021 · For the first 10 days, it was reviewed by the managing editor and sent to us for some format issues, etc. Interestingly, it is/was awaiting "reviewer" (not reviewers- in a plural form) recommendations. But worry not, there’s help at hand now! This specially curated handbook is designed to help you understand a manuscript’s end-to-end journey from submission to publication. Four weeks is a long time for an Editor to sit on a decision. Answer: Thank you for your question! The status “awaiting final decision after awaiting reviewer scores” means that the peer review has been completed and the reviewer comments have been sent back to the editorial office for assessment. To create a new issue, fill in JOURNAL (the journal abbreviation as it appears in the manuscriptcentral URL), VOLUME and ISSUE and click ‘add’. I took this to mean that the paper has passed the desk review, since the editor is selecting reviewers. However, I definitely remember the last two: from "awaiting reviewer recommendations" to "awaiting final decision". The journal may create your account and e-mail you instructions on how to login. To edit the issue, i. Hello, so I've submitted my paper after applying the revisions requested by the two reviewers. Sometimes it is sent to original reviewers, sometimes new reviewers are selected, sometimes a mix. If you find yourself waiting for more than a week, it’s best to contact the Assistant Editor for an update. (ScholarOne makes regular updates to their platform, once every two or three months. After submitting the revised article for a week, a ADM was assigned and the status has changed to "awaiting reviewer invitation. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. – Jon Custer. Jul 24, 2018 · I submitted my manuscript via the ScholarOne system. The manuscript awaiting the assignment of an editor for more than two-and-half months is both a bit long and unusual. The ScholarOne standard is “Production Editor”, but because this could be easily confused with the Wiley Production Editor, the Wiley default is “Production oordinator” (another Mar 9, 2017 · @scaaahu My only guess is that the Editor invited some reviewers, not all of which accepted. A decision requires further reviews. What does awaiting reviewer scores mean? Typically, in a ScholarOne system, the “Awaiting reviewer assignment” status is shown when invitations have been Mar 16, 2022 · Answer: Dear Author, Thank you for your question. Answer: It is difficult to estimate how much longer you need to wait. Feb 26, 2021 · Awaiting Reviewer Assignment means the journal editor has started reaching out to potential reviewers for your manuscript. Explore a platform for free expression and creative writing on Zhihu's column. So, don't expect a reply until then. I know the next stage is to Editor In chief. Jun 12, 2020 · A month ago, I submitted my paper to the Emerald journal, which uses the ScholarOne manuscript system. Is this normal? Nov 24, 2021 · Thank you for your question. So, even after one reviewer submits his report, the immediate change in status would be a reflection of that action, i. This is not an unusual process and is encountered with Page 3 of 7. I received a revise and resubmit decision in mid-July. ” I wonder if my manuscript was rejected by the journal editor directly without going through peer review? Aug 3, 2021 · Dear Team, First, thank you for running such a stunning forum. Having two statuses for a single manuscript is uncommon. It’s more common to have a challenge finding peer reviewers, unless with this journal or for this paper, the review is to be done internally. 1996. The status, "Awaiting Decision" means that the manuscript is being processed. Learn the meanings of statuses Interdisciplinary. Some journals may include account information along with the invitation to review. How can I check the status of my submitted paper? Modified on Fri, 27 Oct 2023 at 04:59 PM. Awaiting Reviewer a. The four possible decisions that a submission may receive and the corresponding actions are described below. Now, the status has changed to ‘Awaiting Admin Final Processing’ from ‘Awaiting EIC Decision. This caused the system to stuck in "Awaiting reviewer Assignment". Jan 31, 2024 · 2021/5/27 decision:major revision. In ScholarOne this would be like having it set to require 2 reviews, then when the 2 reviews come in, changing it to require 3. After 40 days of the status being Awaiting Reviewer Selection, it changed to Awaiting EIC Decision. The details of these processes are described below. A few days ago, it was changed to "awaiting reviewer selection". In my opinion, ED in ScholarOne refers to Editor and GE refers to Guest Editor. ’ Reddit. 1 Accept. So I thought it passed the associate editor's evaluation and now they were looking for reviewers. New submissions will be displayed in the ‘Awaiting AE Initial Assessment’ queue: 3. As the Editor has not responded to an email, I would contact the Editorial Office (or journal Admin assistant) to follow up on the matter. This is not a good sign. Most recent answer after verification by the editor the status is changed (Awaiting Reviewer Scores), then after a month and a half, the status is changed again (Awaiting decision May 25, 2020 · Answer: Hello Jyotirmayee – welcome to the forum! To get right into it, your (seniors’) understanding of the ‘Awaiting EiC Decision’ in ScholarOne's Manuscript Central (called ‘Decision in Process’ in some other systems) is correct to some extent. But the editor has sent your manuscript to another I submit my manuscript to IEEE WCL on 4/14/2019 (Minor revision). Jun 24, 2024 · Print. Please allow up to 2-3 working days after initial submission for this processing to take place. Whether the editor-in-chief prefers to give the final ‘rubber stamp’ should be decided between the editor-in-chief, the guest editor and the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Am I right in thinking that my first manuscript is still with the editorial Generally, Elsevier journals provide decisions within 1 or 2 weeks, however, the publisher like Taylor and Francis, and springer take 2-4 weeks to provide a final decision. They gave until 8/3 to submit my revisions, but I didn’t need all that time and I submitted my revisions on 7/27. Feb 14, 2023 · I recently submitted a paper to a (not very selective) journal (Sage publications). No matter which decision you receive, be sure to read the entire decision letter carefully. A few days ago, the status changed from 'Awaiting reviewer response' to 'Awaiting reviewer scores. Hamad bin Khalifa University. Awaiting AE Assignment and Awaiting EIC Decision: Article is undergoing the desk review by the editor-in-chief · Awaiting EIC Decision and Awaiting Reviewer 8d69782dd3 DM-Profile-Builder-2-(Plugin-for-Sketchup) Live Arminia Bielefeld vs 1. correct JOURNAL, VOLUME or ISSUE fields, click ‘Edit Issue’. blogspot. Even yesterday the status was still "awaiting reviewer selection", but today it was changed to "awaiting EIC decision". I was given a revision submission deadline 'Due on [date]' on ScholarOne. After one round of flawless revision [needed by the] reviewers, associate editor (AE), and Editor-in-Chief (EIC), [the ‘awaiting’ status seems to be] over. Since 7/27 the status of my manuscript is awaiting reviewer invitation. There are two bullet points that have remained unchanged for about 8 weeks now - one saying 'awaiting reviewer scores' and the other saying 'awaiting recommendation'. According to the process described in IEEE Transactions, "Awaiting AE recommendation" status means that the AE has collected all reviews from the reviewers who were assigned to review your manuscript and that the AE's decision for acceptance is pending. you forgot to submit a crucial figure, the paper's English is poor, and so on. Under the Author Dashboard Section, click on “Submitted Manuscripts. . I am experiencing the same thing. The Editor-in-Chief (EiC) makes the final decision on manuscript, with the associate Mar 13, 2022 · I submitted a manuscript to a journal, and the status changed from Awaiting Reviewer Selection to Awaiting Reviewer Confirmation. Answer: The change in status from 'Under review' to 'Pending recommendation' implies that the peer review of your paper is complete and the Associate Editor or Editor-in-Chief will check the reviews and give his/her recommendation on acceptance, rejection, or further revision. It usually takes 1–2 days. Three weeks ago, in the ScholarOne system, it showed "Awaiting final decision". Immediately after submission, one ADM was assigned, but MAL ADM (an abbreviation that is not known to me) was not assigned, and the status was ‘Under review. Act According to Review Decision. Apr 8, 2020 · I submitted a manuscript to a reputed journal using the ScholarOne system. I submitted a manuscript to journal A at the beginning of February and its status on ScholarOne is currently "under review". The most likely result is a desk rejection. You'll see this status at the start and end of the review cycle. Awaiting Reviewer Selection, which is the next stage, means that the editor has received responses from multiple peer reviewers and is presently in the process of making a selection among them. However, a strange observation is that the first letter of the word ‘review I submitted an article in a scientific journal, after verification by the editor the status is changed (Awaiting Reviewer Scores), then after a month and a half, the status is changed again Use the HTML and PDF icons at the top of the manuscript record to view the full manuscript. Awaiting Editor Decision. Normally whenever this status shows it usually means that decision arrives in 3-5 I am currently writing an article in response to a call for papers. I revised the paper accordingly and addressed the feedbacks. xo kq wq rw bl rh um lt ut rw