Scared i have cancer reddit. If you can't run, then start walking.

Scared i have cancer reddit. Could be IBS, IBD, crohns, celiac, etc.

  1. No one has seen me in person yet. Fatigue, painful sex, pelvis pain, back pain, frequent urination. Once you have the test, hopefully will be ok, your anxiety will improve because you can cross this off your list. Then it would have definitely been caught early. Colon cancer is a slow-growing cancer, so you could wait until you have insurance in January to treat it. amyloidosis is a group of diseases not just one particular disorder. Here's why its unlikely to be stomach cancer: 1)You don't seem to have the symptoms. UPDATE #2: Hi everyone, so yesterday was the big reveal. It ended up being benign but I was over-treated and wish I would have done things differently. i don’t want to depend on him for my comfort or whatever, but it would be the best distraction since i can’t just go on a walk (i always joke i am at my fittest during an obsession because i take I have hardly been able to eat from nausea, pain, and feeling full with no appetite. I'm convinced I have colon cancer. She said the next few weeks of testing (staging, bone marrow, etc) are the worst because you know whats wrong, but you dont know everything that is wrong. Visit our wiki for loads of comprehensive, Thyroid-related info Is there a chance that I have oral cancer that he didn't catch with the nasolaryngoscopy in October? Lastly, is there any other explanation for these symptoms other than some form of oral cancer? I can't seem to find anything on the internet that matches my symptoms except for cancer. Hey bro thanks a lot for the post, 28M about the last two months have had bloating, gas, upper right quadrant abdominal pain but no blood in poop (even confirmed with fit test) and a hell a lot of gas, bloating and weird stomach noises but the the fear of this C word ruined my damn life - the numerous YouTube videos of 24 and 29 year olds having the disease is insane ! So now, it is 2 days after my biopsy and I am awaiting results, which should come within a week. I had also been urinating frequently but that has stopped. i haven’t discovered any bumps on my neck from doing an exam on myself but i’m gonna make an appointment with an ENT i just need someone to B) Yes, you'll see those symptoms listed if you look up prostate cancer, but most people, especially those diagnosed young, have no symptoms from prostate cancer. I have a shit ton (pun intended) of GI symptoms as well but honestly, I got over my fear of colon cancer. 4 for every 100,000. From the sounds of it you have nothing to worry about. I’m so scared that it’s not just a simple case of gastritis, but full blown stomach cancer. Was scared of the scans (couldn't understand how they could flatten my barely-there-boobs AT ALL), but they were fine (it was actually sort of cool). I quit for like 4-5 months and had like 5-6 ciggs with some old friends two days ago with some alcohol. I'm hoping you don't have cancer. Ok firstly I’m sorry some people have been kinda quick to judge. Sometimes I will pee in my sleep , like once or twice a month. What do you think would make you feel better? You've had lots of tests, so clearly being told by a doctor you don't have stomach cancer hasn't helped. You should definitely go see you GP, however, it is HIGHLY unlikely that you have cancer. And i have the slight suspicion that i may have a tumor on my nape, i feel a bulge that can move and it doesn't hurt. What turned out as me wanting to scratch an anxious worry turned into something that honestly would have gone unnoticed. Three weeks on meds is not long, so I'm not surprised you don't feel better yet. It is the thing im more scared of my entire life. You would have symptoms for a long ongoing period of time and it wouldn’t just be a cough or blood being coughed up. Most ovarian cysts, even complex ones, are benign. I’ve been trying to quit multiple times. It’s horrifying and your mind goes to the absolute worst case scenario and that you’re going to die. So I have learned a lot in that time. You don't have to run fast, just run and then slowly build it up over time. It's going to go well. But my symptons have been different for a few months and I'm terrified after an article I read that I might have ovarian cancer. But you also might not, you could be dehydrated or have IBS. scared i have throat cancer🫣 hi! i’m F18 and i kept waking up with a really sore throat and everytime i swallow it hurts. My last two paps within the past year (6 months apart) came back abnormal with AS-CUS but HPV negative. 5% of a chance. I don’t wanna have cancer man. Siobhan Smith Published May 14, 2021, 7:15pm. This is definitely your anxiety talking. This honestly scares the absolute shit out of me. I thought I had a sore throat but I don’t really have any cough, only had a bit for the first night and it was just the classic sore throat after drinking. I'm not sure being told by Internet strangers that you don't have stomach cancer would help either! I'd say it would be a good idea to look into therapy for your anxiety. So I do have a lot of PCOS symptoms, but a lot of them overlap with Endometrial Cancer which is why I’m scared. Rarely i will get a sharp pain in my left ear. Usually it is someone that is way too young for bowel cancer. Now I'm even afraid of getting a routine blood work cuz I think they're going to tell me that I have leukemia :/ I'm 14m I'm about to turn 15 l've been coughing for a probably a month now it's always after I'm done being active or so on I don't have chest pain and no fever and I don't cough up and blood mucus is always green and here and there it gets darker I've had some nose bleeds from the bad congestion which scares me by thinking it comes from my lungs I've never smoked anything in my life no New to gastritis? Please view this post for a simple yet comprehensive breakdown of the major root causes of chronic gastritis, as well as the main medicines, supplements, and diets used for healing. But definitely get checked. Because I have no pain and young he thinks it might not be cancer but he doesn’t know until the liver biopsy. Please do the colonscopy as if they find some polyps they can be removed there and then (pain free) and you've just saved yourself from cancer. 1/27 I was 123 lbs (I’m 5’3 for reference) and today I am 118 lbs. I’m so scared I have ovarian cancer but I’m only 19. obviously im gonna try quitting but i need to know if i have it and whats the likelihood of This is a place to share, vent & support each other over discussions related to Thyroid Cancer, Grave’s, Hashimoto’s, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism & other Thyroid diseases. Only 11 in 1000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer in their lifetime. I have health anxiety too and have actually had this same exact scare (I’m 22). Don’t get in as deep as I got. Have an appt with the urologist next week, and am really worried I might have cancer. Even more rare for your age group. Thoughts? Pain not that bad yet at least. The best thing to do is to go to your primary doctor and explain the symptoms you have. I had an abnormal mammogram and have an MRI scheduled for tomorrow. Biopsy came out clear. I made it out just waiting on my bone marrow transplant. I am so scared of being diagnosed with something terminal and not seeing my two boys grow up. I’m not trying to sound too alarmist but the thought of getting esophageal cancer really does terrify me because once they diagnose it, usually you’re a goner. I am terrified of the pain in the bottom of my esophagus being esophagus cancer. Cysts can be small and incredibly annoying. I am 26 years old, female, & scared I have throat cancer. Easier said than done, I understand that. (every couple days) my anxiety is telling me im going to die and idk what to do. The anxiety is killing me and I can’t stop thinking I might have cancer. blood cancer is also one of the only cancers that will actually show up on blood tests so negative blood tests make it highly unlikely. Like others of you, I scrutinise and Google every ache, twinge, pain etc to the point it is beginning to impact upon my enjoyment of 'life'. I have an initial appointment Thursday with an ENT consultant but I can't stop dwelling on it. 10 minutes three times a week is fine. 6K subscribers in the ProstateCancer community. We have all dealt with the myriad of emotions that cancer can cause and are happy to lend support or just listen. every time i complain about my symptoms she jumps to the worst case scenario and assumes i have colon cancer and i know its just normal parental worrying but it’s really excessive (she does it like a few times a day) and i would prefer it if my mom stopped self diagnosing me with cancer So like the title says, i am scared. But I’m an extremely anxious person. Hair grows back. Does anyone else have allergies that hurt the bottom of your esophagus? A lot of people post on here about their fear of bowel cancer (you can have cancer of any of your bowel, not just colon). Since I have strep AND just got my period (I have diagnosed endometriosis so it takes a lot out of me), I’m basically bound to my apartment. ulcers, functional dyspepsia). It took 2 surgeries and 1 session of radiation treatment to beat it. All of my lab tests have been coming back clear for the past 3 years, however I still feel very sick. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and it caused high heart rate and chest tightness among many other symptoms including weight loss so I was like okay what’s We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I’m so scared of dying, even more than I was before he passed, especially to cancer because I’ve now seen how many horrendous things it can do to someone. g. For background I am a 22 year old female. My GI is getting me blood tests to check pancreas enzymes and I have gotten an ultrasound done with everything normal except pancreas was unremarkable due to bowel gas. By the time cancer is actually a concern in your particular demographic, the doctors will start screening you for it. I promise you don’t have cancer. I also had an ultrasound which was clear. i had trouble breathing and occasional chest pain. I am 31 years old. I have naturally “gritty/lumpy” breast underneath my tissue, and it’s really common and normal. Makes me have to rub like a bear against a tree just to get rid of it. It is only normal. Please feel free to vent without fear of judgement. urologist said “i want you to know it could be bladder cancer” and ordered a CT scan for this week and a cystoscopy the next week. Now I have to sit here in pain for almost a month, worried sick about this possibly being something really bad. com Im going for a barium study on Monday and have an appointment with my doctor on the 15th. I have a specialist appointment scheduled in May. i noticed a bump on the back of my throat this is what it looks like… . Eating a bunch of fatty foods provide you little nutrients and no energy. If you don’t have a history in your family of cancer and you don’t have poor health I don’t see a reason for worry. YES IM SCHEDULED TO HAVE AN APPOINTMENT. This doesn’t sound cancerous to me, and if there was a suspicion of cancer, then your physician will have referred you to have a scope. It puts your mortality right in front of your face and you’d give anything not to have heard this. Must of my elder family had cancer or died of cancer, so it has always scared me. Fair enough, so I signed it. Therefore, you don't have cancer. I’ve had acid reflux off and on for about 7 years. -According to SEER (national cancer surveillance program), those aged 20-34 comprise only 0. I can’t function. I am really scared as from all the research I've done online I've come to the conclusion that this might be cancer, but other than having the lump I exhibit none of the symptoms. Between lack of sleep, a need to sleep to get through work, and work I just didn't have the energy to update. If your doctors caught it quick enough there is really nothing to worry about. none of this sounds like blood cancer. I call my doctor almost everyday and ask a new question. One of my friends was diagnosed with AML on October 2021, it scared me to death. But I’m really worried about endometrial cancer because any kind of penetration hurts and I bleed afterwards. However few diseases affect the colon/GI trach in your age which is not something to worry about at this point but if your symptoms continued should be considered and require medical attention. To reinforce that, you had a MRI done. If you don't have access to a gym (or you don't like lifting), start running. I can’t sleep or think about anything else other than the fact I might have stomach cancer. 7. I’m 15M, 5’6, 120 never smoked or done anything around that, no history on any cancers in my family. I also have jaw pain along with minor headaches. Not impossible, but so unlikely. We don't know that you have cancer though. I don’t have any other symptoms, no pain or anything like that. Over these last 5 weeks I have noticed abnormal bowel move,ENT’s such as smaller and narrow stool. Don't live in fear of this; it is very rare (unless you're shitting blood, or something). So the odds are greatly in your favor. My other Grandfather had a cancerous brain tumour, and one of my Grandmothers luckily survived bowel cancer (and has been in remission for years). If you have hemorrhoids ( which happens to everyone at some point) that can happen. Im scared I have oral cavity cancer, 23F it’s been there for a few weeks now and doesn’t go away, it’s red around it and white on top, doesn’t necessarily hurt yet. After several more minutes and my friend not showing up, the driver tells me they have to go, but they will be driving right past the ER, and I can ride in front if I don't tell anyone. I(19m) (197lbs) (6’1) have been having some problems with my health anxiety recently, about a week ago I came inside after being active and drank some test pretty fast and got bloated keep in mind before this everything was normal except a few scares before that included my legs and eyes so I think this may have been built up,and so me being me I started googling and came across stomach I lost my dad to cancer late last year, and I think seeing him battle it for so long and how much he was suffering at the end of it really traumatized me. Had my initial check, then immediately scheduled for my first in-office cysto. But lately i have been getting symptoms of lung cancer. The samples they took were cancer free, but now we need to proceed a little further. My Grandpa died of thyroid cancer, whilst also getting prostate cancer. And usually it is also someone with zero family history of bowel cancer. Spotting, nausea. People with stomach cancer puke up blood and have a way harder time. I have feared cancer since I've been a child. Members Online Any talk about anything related to my cancer triggers my sister (vent) This is a subreddit for questions about testicular cancer, if you are wondering if you have TC please see the wiki for a list of symptoms, and other content to help you. Even for those that do need chemo, there's sperm banking. My dad currently has lymphoma so cancer is always in the back of my mind. 26 year olds can get stomach cancer, but its EXTREMELY RARE. It sounds like you may have simple bronchitis or a mild infection. I sit ALOT , I’m only up working like 4 hours a day 7 days a week. You need a colonoscopy! It's the only way to rule out bowel cancer and ANY age can get it. I got the results for the lab work which is in the link down below from the old update. Keep a positive attitude and kick out anyone with negative vibes. I had to wait for my insurance to kick in, so I have an appointment Im going for a barium study on Monday and have an appointment with my doctor on the 15th. According to the doctor said I do not have cancer. ive only smoked for 9 months and never had any problems till about two weeks ago. I have varicocele left side of my sack for like 20 years. I’m so worried that they missed something on my final ultrasound. 5cm complex cyst. I also get pain while swallowing. See full list on thedoctorweighsin. 6 Neutrophils 1. I just got a new psychiatrist a few weeks ago and I called to see if he would prescribe me something, but I don’t know what else to do. some types are genetic so you can kinda rule those out if you don’t have a family history of amyloidosis Well a chest x-ray absolutely would have found lung cancer if it was bad enough to cause the symptoms you have. He ordered me to get some lab work, mri of brain, ct of chest & pelvis, & liver biopsy. 70 Platelets 100,000ish. Everyday I feel like this and I feel like I can’t do this anymore. Then he told me they didn't have another call so they'd hang out while I waited on my friend. The endoscopy can show for certain if you have something like GERD or a hiatal hernia or if it is something else. I’m sorry you’re dealing with everything I know it can be stressful. I'm scared I have advanced cancer and don't know what to do Hi, I'm a 36F, 5'4, 169 lbs, taking a multivitamin and 1000mg vitamin C. Additionally feel free to post about your questions, stories and anything else related to TC! I'm here because I too have health anxiety and clearly thought I had stomach cancer. Stress can be bad. I am extremely anxious. I just found out that I have basal cell cancioma(a type of skin cancer). Only decided to get checked cause I was looking up causes and I saw all the prostate and urinary stuff. Makes your stool do all sorts of shit (no pun intended. I had the same symptoms. About 51,750 people (27,270 men and 24,480 women) will die of pancreatic cancer. Purchase some Prilosec OTC from the store and take for a few days. If it’s a load of junk food then there is your problem. If it doesnt get better in a week I have to call them back. It could be cancer too but that is statistically unlikely. And you’ve already had an extensive workup with multiple CT scans so you do not have an obstructive colon mass. Hi there. i know the Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. WBC 2. I have been fighting this fucker for 9 years now and have had a superior level of care that almost NO patients would get. We also don't know that even if you do that you'll need chemotherapy. I have a referral to the James Cancer Center for gastroenterology, was told my case needed the “advanced” team because my I was convinced I had colon cancer, and even in my head was prepping to hear that going into my colonoscopy. For context: I do smoke. I have some constipation today, and I still have pains in the area the ectopic used to be in. I'm hoping mine is early. 60% are over age 65. And if you do have cancer, a positive attitude is the best way to I ended up going to the ER where they did a transvaginal ultrasound which came back normal so they chalked it up to a UTI. If the cyst needs to be surgically removed, it is best to have just the cyst removed (cystectomy). I had been going on runs every day to try and get my lungs back in shape. The many symptoms you describe could be other things but also are bowel cancer symptoms. Only a little and not much but it's noticeable. It's easy for me to sit here and say but I would recommend that you relax. If you have anemia ( which is an iron deficiency) that can happen. Even the tiny q-tip they use for paps really hurts and I bleed afterwards. This is a safe and supportive place to share your concerns, fears, frustrations, stories about dealing with your own or a loved own's cancer. I still have this problem occasionally, some of us have sensitive butts. In short, life goes on. I don't know what esophagus cancer feels like and I'm scared to look it up on google because no doubt it will manage to validate my fears, because that's what googling symptoms does. Could be IBS, IBD, crohns, celiac, etc. All these symptoms link to salivary gland cancer which is scaring me so much. I have health anxiety, and extreme fear or medication and medical procedures. I am, and will be staying, in a country with no medical access for checking my STI or STD status, but I have had Chlamydia prior to the growth, which was treated. I have an appointment on Thursday with a neck cancer expert and I know it could just be cysts but I haven't been ill recently and they're not going away. We all remember what it was like to hear you have colon cancer. It can be really easy to quickly jump to conclusions but stomach cancer and any time of cancer is usually the last thing it could be. I just finished my first cycle of chemotherapy for testicular cancer. If you can't run, then start walking. Stay busy, research everything you can about Prostate cancer and ask questions and get answers from your doc. But you’re only 2 months in. I'm 33 male 185 lbs. I’m 24 years old just had a colonoscopy about almost 2 years ago and I’ve had lower left side inflammation feeling had one ct scan done said I had mild bowl wall thinking in colon so I changed my eating cut out a lot of foods dropped down 8 pounds now I range from 152 to 154 through the day had another ct scan this time with oral contrast the first time didn’t have nothing and ct came i had an appointment with a urologist after detection of blood in my urine, which has happened about 4-5 times prior in the span of like a year and a half. For the past few months I've been having constipation which is really new for me, then the last two weeks I've had blood in my stool. I had a 9. 28M here. Sharing treatments, cures, causes, news, case studies, medical articles, and personal experiences are very welcome. Likely it's not cancer. doctor always brushed it off as UTIs, but ive never had UTI symptoms. I’ve also been having night sweats, started about a month ago. The (US) government website says that HPV infected cells take 5-10 years to develop into precancer cells (probably what the pap smear found, if this is the case) and 20 years to develop into cancer cells. For the last 6 weeks I've had extreme fatigue that sleep doesn't help with, malaise, intermittent nausea, shaking, and diarrhea/floating stool. I would say starting around the beginning of June this year I've been experiencing stomach aches everyday, increased need to urinate, slight bloating, lower back discomfort, and a feeling of pressure in my pelvis area. Also recently kinda getting cramps and a lot of passing gas. I blame it on the vaping. I’ve been vaping for about 5 years now. WBC 1. My aunt had thyroid cancer and I was really nervous about it for a while, but I went on the thyroid cancer reddit and read their posts and realized I definitely did not have it. My blood work was relatively normal, so she told me not to worry too much about it being cancer. Just start small. I’m also scared as I go for my biopsy next week. My ovaries are mildly enlarged and polycystic, yet I’ve never had a PCOS diagnosis before. You might have it. Soft stool kinda mushy and mucus sometimes on toilet paper. The important thing is getting it checked out, which you've done. A community for discussing gastritis and diseases related to gastritis (e. Digestion/Stomach/Bowels I’m 19f please dont judge me but im 17F and i vape and im scared i have lung cancer please help. Coughing a lot can rupture blood vessels and make you cough blood. You are more likely to get struck by lightning than get stomach cancer at your age. They are pretty good at picking up lesions. So if your symptoms change like bloody stool then go tothe ER wether you have insurance or not. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It’s so incredibly small. I bet you do have gastritis and you'll need to let your gut heal with a proper diet/medication. From what you have said, you have few risk factors for this being oral cancer. Source: My mom had stage 3 breast cancer 3 years ago and she’s 100% fine. Like scared to death. If you were at late-stage stomach cancer, you would see signs by now. the last time i saw my PCP was at the end of february and i had an ultrasound (only trans-abdominal, they said that they could see my ovaries fine and that a trans-vaginal wasn't necessary) done plus a urine and blood test and everything came back clear I (31M) have a really big worry on my hands. I’m a stage 4 cancer survivor of 8 years. It has remained persistent over these past 4 months. That’s how colon cancer is found, and maybe you’ll gain more insight on why you’re constipated. If you had Pancreatic cancer, you would have already died by now. I hope you get answers either way. Im going for a barium study on Monday and have an appointment with my doctor on the 15th. I have been experiencing dark stool with black and a couple days prior had like red dots on my stool and I have also been experiencing back pain that could be because of soccer but I’m adding because it could also be the symptom of wtv I have. Colon cancer in the young population without a strong family history is extremely rare. I have SOB and chest pain every now and then. With or without contrast. Here are some things I learned during my obsessing over this scare hopefully they will help calm you down. I have juuled for about 10 months but am now 2 weeks removed. The research I’ve done says it may just be a lung infection. And you’re not the age where colon cancer is common. However, when they tested my blood on monday my white blood cell count was 1,000 per microliter (the normal range is 4,500--11,000). Many men are treated with simply having the cancerous testicle removed. Couldn’t sleep or eat and I rarely went out even though I wanted to do things. I figured if my dad had cancer, I'd probably have cancer, too. Yeah, well, what would happen? Worst case, I'd die. I just need some ease of mind or information. Also, ovarian cancer tends to not cause a lot of discomfort until it's really big, and that likely would have been caught on an abdominal ultra. I’m convinced you will be just fine. Many of the people who are diagnosed with cancer live full long lives. I’m very small 5’2 and now 93 pounds from not being able to eat. Then again, prostate cancer treatments have improved and statistics show a five year survival Rate of 98 percent. I’ve seen about four different doctors, been cleared for cancer and all my relationships are breaking down because of this, because I still think I have a rare form of ovarian cancer. Also people who abuse NSAIDS( Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like ibuprofen or aspirin also increases your chance of having an ulcer. 2)You're 26. Sometimes it gets really bad, but my strep and flu test come back negative all the time. I am losing my mind and I was hoping reddit can help me through this. Health anxiety is characterised by I suppose this relates to GERD because I also have it. But they say cancer isn't a hereditary disease. I know I probably seem insane, and I have always been very anxious about things, but there is OBVIOUSLY something wrong with me, I just don't know what. I vaped on & off for about 5 years & quit last weekend. I said, "you've got a deal!" A place to express your concern and ask questions about potentially having breast cancer. The reason I quit was because I woke up with a sore throat when tilting my head back to drink anything & it felt dry & I was so paranoid I had cancer I stopped cold turkey. It’s super scary news and it’s never wrong to be overly cautious about something like Doctors can't turn you away if your condition could be life threatening. I (F27) have two lumps in my neck that aren't going away and I'm just so scared. Op it's ok to be scared. I talked to another doc and they looked at my tongue and told me I had thrush and I'm currently on meds for that. If stage one, then you don't even have to have chemo. 9 Neutrophils . This is a natural human reaction. There is a lot of things that goes through a persons mind when you realize you have cancer My Mother died of breast cancer and metastatic liver cancer. On this specific subreddit, 99% of the time it is totally unwarranted. It sounds like you have a stomach disorder like an ulcer. Exercise: The effect of exercise on anxiety If you have access to a gym, then start lifting weights. You have to do your own research and listen to your body. This subreddit is created and moderated by fellow Reddit community members who have a desire and… I have bipolar I. 4 and Platelets 137,000 From what I hear, colon cancer is very treatable, especially if caught early. I’m scared I have tonsil cancer, I have called the doctor and am waiting to hear back in a few weeks as she needs second advise on the pictures I have sent her. I have a friend who has been through breast cancer. I have no family history of any cancer, but I have a hard time processing the possibility that I could have breast cancer at 19 years old. Especially since you sound like you have a lot of anxiety which can make gerd a lot worse (even cause it), especially the throat tightness. What scared me was my Gi said I lost 5 pounds in a month but I haven’t been eating well only 1-2 meals a days sometimes 1 due to my loss of appetite. Dr said the mass could still be “nothing” but I still have to have the surgery. But it’s incredibly unlikely you have cancer. My symptoms include blood on stool, pebble poop, light colored diarrhea, weird yellow residue on the toilet paper, and tummy discomfort. Do I have cancer? I found out by accident, MRI to assess old back injury picked up some extra findings in the background, and I have a large fibroid in my uterus and 4 masses/lesions on my liver. That's why we have PSA tests, because if we didn't have blood tests people would generally not detect their prostate cancer. Because you said you don’t have the option of going to the doctor right now, start a food I am scared that I might have tongue cancer. She died of melonoma. I used to have this crazy phobia about cancer, but not anymore. Basically I just want to know if these symptoms are concerning for cancer and warrant a doctors appointment or ER visit. Sometimes we just grow into weird food intolerances. My question is, do you guys think it is likely that I actually have lung cancer or is it just an infection? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I know a girl who had cancer and said "I wasn't scared when they told me I have cancer, I went in knowing it was going to be okay" And it was, she's healthy today. This reddit is a place for people with cancer and caregivers to come together and provide support for one other. My doctor told me as long as it's not chronic ( 2 weeks or more every day) then it's nothing to worry about. 2 of my aunts had it, one had it twice, and both are fine. I have crippling health anxiety and currently going through a real scare. I wont know the stage until after surgery. Take to your I’m 25M and scared I have esophageal cancer -Have lump in throat almost feels like a piece of hair -Chest pain after eating -Knawing in uppper abdomen -Constant burping -Constant Regurgitation All of this has started in the last month, I really hope it’s just my health anxiety! The symptoms you’ve described are not typical symptoms of colon cancer. And perhaps look into treatments for constipation I was more scared of the results than the procedure and mine came back all clear. i do encourage you and our fellow bladder cancer victims to read my posts. This is totally different. Note: the rules at r/breastcancer are assumed to apply here, and any actions taken are consistent with the philosophy that those in the potential/pre-diagnosis phase are focused on this hard time and come to this sub for support. I have the exact same issues pain in right lower side had it really bad for a few years had endoscopy and bloods etc but was all clear told I have functional but it went away a while back then since last year it has slowly come back I've got ocd among other things and had a breakdown last year so maybe it's stress related I've been on omeprazole for years :( sorry you're suffering maybe try I’m posting in here due to my fear of having lung cancer. Hello i’m 19 and female and for the past maybe 6 months ive had weird mild sore throats that come and go, kind of like a burning sensation. No cancer, hooray! The problem is like a month ago my mom made me an emergency dentists appointment when all I needed was a regular appointment and cleaning so now I'm scared that they think I am a hypochondriac coming in a month later saying I think I might have oral cancer. Everyone is scared about Cancer. Yeah absolutely if symptoms just started a few days ago I highly doubt it’s lung cancer. I have been a long time lurker here at reddit, and this is my first post. Finally, if you’re genuinely very concerned about colon cancer, get a colonoscopy. She told me to call my gynecologist asap and get the first appointment available. Or check it out in the app stores Im scared i have colon cancer . Then I had a biopsy, which sort of hurt (not the needle bit, the doctor holding the lump in place was the painful part). Please see a dentist as a full oral examination will give much better information than one photo but I don't think you have any reason to be concerned. The mass was still there, and I’m scared this was actually misdiagnosed ovarian cancer. Not bright red but maroon. I am 99% sure you don't have bowel cancer if your ultrsound was clear. Whereas cysts are super common. I’m scared i have throat cancer. I think you should seek help for your health anxiety. Those two things in combination make me worry about cancer. I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with early stage 3 esophageal cancer with nodal involvement (adenocarcinoma, it somehow affects my survival rates but I cant find a lot of details online and haven't had a real chance to question my oncologist about it). I do know that dealing with the fact you have cancer is one of the hardest things a person can deal with. They also checked my blood and my testosterone is normal. For the past two months or so, I’ve had periodic episodes of nausea, stomach pain near the belly button, a pulling sensation under the ribs when I release my belly, and upper gastric pain under the ribs. Pancreatic cancer is even smaller of a chance at . Comment. i truly hope your condition is as dramatic as this sounds, i'm scared that i do actually have it and that i'm slowly dying. My tonsils have looked like this for a long time much larger on one side and irregular with baked bean lumps attached to it. I am officially quitting all smoking entirely as this has freaked me out because I don’t want lung cancer, especially at age 21. Good news is, you'd be dead a long time ago if you had symptoms from cancer for 2 years . Only 3 spots right now but are dilated capillaries or something. My first treatment was right out after a trip to ER it went so fast no time to think. 12 hours later, now admitted on the cancer floor on observation, my numbers have improved. My recommendation is go to see a doc as soon as you have insurance. i’m 24 and female. I am going to get it checked out tomorrow. I’m scared that they missed something and that I have advanced cervical cancer. May 14, 2021 · I constantly fear that I have cancer – this is what it’s like to live with health anxiety. BUT. I’ve also had some weight loss. Anyways. I have never had surgery before ever and am scared. Cancer is our monster. I’m not loosing weight and no blood in stool. if the pain goes away then you will have a better idea how to fix the problem. If left untreated, it can give you ulcers and increase your chance for gastric cancer. Cancer does not run in my family. It was 3-4 months of hell. I am only 13 years old and I know reddit hates teenagers but i am so scared and I thought reddit was the place to go to get help. Hey, I have noticed you posting a lot in different medical subs recently. (pls read full thing, may be important details that I added that i don’t realize are as important as they may be) So iv had on and off dull aches in my left testicle couple times in my life, especifically in like 8th grade or freshmen year for a small point in time where I was worried about this same thing We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I am a 19 year old female and I am scared that I may have ovarian cancer. It seems I’ve developed some health anxiety as I’ve been upset and out of my mind scared since this pain started. You def have gerd, prob boarding lpr since you're feeling it in your throat a bit. Have you had any weight loss recently? From what you’ve said so far, a possible link with the high eos is coeliac disease, and I can see that the test for that is sent on your form and is pending (TTG). The article sounded like I could have written it. I am panicking. All your symptoms match up with GERD or some similar problem. Yeah, I mean, a lot of things can TURN cancerous, but ovarian cancer at your age is extremely uncommon. So in that 40% of under, people in their 20’s have like less than . I have found a lump in my breast and im freaking out had mammogram ,ultrasound and biopsy and unfortunately it was not a cyst they said it was mass so they will call with results in 3 days im worried sick and cannot eat or sleep as im worried about breast cancer im 43 While you have a family history of the cancer, only 5-10% of cases that happen are hereditary. My gynecologist can’t see me until the end of May. I read that that can be a sign of the cancer. None of my family members died of cancer except my maternal grandmother. Im scared i have lung cancer . ) Change up your diet. Wait for your GI doctor appointment to look into your issues. 6ft like nothing too concerning but my mom passed from cancer and that's really caused my health anxiety to go crazy but like the gentleman said stop googling. I was so scared of being diagnosed with Cancer for the longest time. I may have to travel to a larger city five hours away to have the surgery because the state I live in is not very populous and we only have two large cities. About 27,000 cases of stomach cancer every year. . hi guys i am 16f my mom is 62f my grandma recently died of colon cancer and i have crohn’s. amyloidosis is a bit trickier to diagnose. 6% of newly diagnosed cases. Shortly after the ultrasound, I started to have left “pelvic” pain that when palpating, is tender/painful, and seems to be felt to left side of back. I also have angiokeratoma on my sack , they just started appearing a few weeks ago. No one on my Mother or Father's side has ever died of colon cancer, so that kind of makes me feel better, but I have most of the symptoms for colon cancer that I see when I check online. How common is pancreatic cancer? The American Cancer Society’s estimates for pancreatic cancer in the United States for 2024 are: About 66,440 people (34,530 men and 31,910 women) will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. You can still quit and it won’t be as hard. Today I got my colonoscopy done and found nothing but some internal hemorrhoids! Feels like a weight off my shoulder. I don’t smoke often. You have a colonoscopy coming up and I can relate because I just recently had my second one at 25 about 3 weeks ago, and I'm going back for a third in 6 months. ytoy cnrv zoywyqt upxkw sulwu qwgm wjtubhi vev grog lzd